/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function tabs(a, g, j) { document.body.className = "js-on"; var g = a.getElementsByTagName(g), d = [], c; this.active; this.total = g.length; this.container = a; e = a.insertBefore(document.createElement("nav"), g[0]), change = function (f) { if (typeof this.active !== "undefined") { d[this.active].className = g[this.active].className = "" } d[f].className = g[f].className = "active"; this.active = f }, clickEvent = function (h, f) { h.onclick = function () { change(f); return false } }; for (var b = 0; b < g.length; b++) { d[b] = e.appendChild(document.createElement("a")); d[b].href = "#"; c = [g[b].getAttribute("data-title"), g[b].getElementsByTagName(j)[0]]; d[b].innerHTML = c[0] !== null ? c[0] : c[1] ? c[1]["innerText" || "textContent"] : b + 1; new clickEvent(d[b], b) } change(0) } tabs.prototype.change = function (b) { change(b - 1) }; tabs.prototype.next = function (b) { active === this.total - 1 ? change(0) : change(active + 1) }; tabs.prototype.prev = function (b) { active === 0 ? change(this.total - 1) : change(active - 1) }; tabs.prototype.responsive = function (d, c) { nav = document.createElement("nav"); nav.id = "mobiles"; nav.innerHTML = '' + c.prev + '' + c.next + ""; this.container.insertBefore(nav, this.container.firstChild); return this };