#/bin/bash # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This script builds translated XHP file with helpex excutable # and thes transform it to html pages # 1) generates redirection from LibreOffice Help URL to right html page # in index.html with bookmark2file.js # 2) generates bookmark_.js for index search # 3) generates HTML pages with online_transform.xs # 4) copy service files (css, js, media) to right place. # # Note: change rootHelpex variable to your local git build # # convert2HTML $outDirLang $outDirHTML $lang $productversion $online $fileTree & function get_bookmark(){ lang=$1 productversion=$2 #workDir=$(realpath $3) workDir=$(pwd) outDir=$(realpath $workDir/html/$productversion/$lang) #sourceDir=$(realpath $workDir/l10n/$lang/helpcontent2/source) sourceDir=$(realpath $workDir/l10n/$productversion/$lang) bookmarkFile=$outDir/bookmarks.js mkdir -p $outDir rm -f $bookmarkFile touch $bookmarkFile stub2=\' stub1='document.getElementsByClassName( "index" )[0].innerHTML='\'\\ echo $stub1 >> $bookmarkFile xslfile=get_bookmark.xsl param1=' --stringparam Language '$lang' --stringparam productversion '$productversion' --stringparam local no' # bookmarks for modules for i in WRITER CALC DRAW IMPRESS CHART MATH BASIC do sfind=$sourceDir'/'$(echo 'text/s'$i | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') param=$param1' --stringparam app '$i tempFile=$(mktemp) find $sfind -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc $param $xslfile {} + >> $tempFile sort -k3b -t\> -s -o $tempFile $tempFile awk 'NF' $tempFile >> $bookmarkFile rm -f $tempFile done # Case of SHARED tempFile=$(mktemp) param=$param1' --stringparam app SHARED' find $sourceDir'/text/shared' -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc $param $xslfile {} + >> $tempFile sort -k3b -t\> -s -o $tempFile $tempFile awk 'NF' $tempFile >> $bookmarkFile rm -f $tempFile # Case of Explorer (BASE) tempFile=$(mktemp) param=$param1' --stringparam app BASE' find $sourceDir'/text/shared/explorer/database' -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc $param $xslfile {} + >> $tempFile sort -k3b -t\> -s -o $tempFile $tempFile awk 'NF' $tempFile >> $bookmarkFile rm -f $tempFile echo $stub2 >> $bookmarkFile } function convert2HTML() { #outDirLang =1 #outDirHTML =2 #lang =3 #productversion =4 #online=5 #filetree=6 ########################################### # # Process translated XHP files # ########################################### xsltparm='--stringparam fileTree '$6' --stringparam local no --stringparam Language '$3' --stringparam productversion '$4' --stringparam root '$1'/' echo 'Conversion to HTML started for '$3 for filep in $(find $1/text -name "*.xhp") do DIR=${filep##*text/} name=${DIR:0:-3} outFile=$2'/text/'$name'html' xsltproc $xsltparm -o $outFile online_transform.xsl $filep done ########################################### # # Process tree files # ########################################### treePOFile=$(mktemp) echo $root/translations/source/$3/helpcontent2/source/auxiliary.po > $treePOFile ALL_TREE='sbasic.tree scalc.tree schart.tree shared.tree simpress.tree smath.tree swriter.tree' xhpFiles=$here/l10n/$productversion/$3/text treeFileHTML=$outDirHTML/contents.js rm -f $treeFileHTML touch $treeFileHTML echo 'document.getElementById("Contents").innerHTML='$'\047''\'>$treeFileHTML xsltparm='--stringparam lang '$3' --stringparam productversion '$4' --stringparam local no' for tree in $ALL_TREE do treeSourceFile=$root'/helpcontent2/source/auxiliary/'$tree treeTemp1=$(mktemp) treeTemp2=$(mktemp) "${exedir}/treex" -l $3 -i $treeSourceFile -m $treePOFile -o $treeTemp1 -r $xhpFiles xsltproc $xsltparm -o $treeTemp2 get_tree.xsl $treeTemp1 awk 'NF' $treeTemp2>>$treeFileHTML rm -f $treeTemp1 $treeTemp2 done echo $'\047'';'>>$treeFileHTML rm -f $treePOFile echo 'Conversion to HTML finished for '$3 } ########################################### # # Start Main Process # ########################################### # Change root of git core productversion='6.1' local='no' fileTree='/' rootHelpex=/home/tdf/git/core ALL_LANGS='en-US am ar ast bg bn bn-IN bo bs ca ca-valencia cs da de dz el en-GB en-ZA eo es et eu fi fr gl gu he hi hr hu id is it ja ka km ko lo lt lv mk nb ne nl nn om pl pt-BR pt ro ru sid si sk sl sq sv ta tg tr ug uk vi zh-CN zh-TW' here=$(pwd) root=$(realpath "$here/../..") rm -rf $here/l10n rm -rf $here/html helpfiles=$root/helpcontent2/source/text mkdir -p $here'/html/'$productversion echo 'copy global service files' cp index.html $here'/html/' cp help.html $here'/html/' cp index2.html $here'/html/'$productversion'/index.html' cp help.js $here'/html/'$productversion'/' cp fuse.js $here'/html/'$productversion'/' cp paginathing.js $here'/html/'$productversion'/' cp normalize.css $here'/html/'$productversion'/' cp default.css $here'/html/'$productversion'/' cp -a ../source/media $here'/html/'$productversion'/' mkdir -p $here'/html/'$productversion'/media/icon-themes' cp -a ../../icon-themes/galaxy/* $here'/html/'$productversion'/media/icon-themes/' ln -s $productversion html/latest # Set helpex utilty and environment while test ! -d "${rootHelpex}/instdir/program" ; do if test "${dir}" = "/"; then echo "error: cannot find \"program\" dir from \"$(pwd)\"" exit 1 fi rootHelpex=$(realpath "${rootHelpex}/..") done exedir="${rootHelpex}"/workdir/LinkTarget/Executable echo $exedir export URE_BOOTSTRAP=file://"${rootHelpex}"/instdir/program/fundamentalrc123 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:}"${rootHelpex}"/instdir/program echo "setting URE_BOOTSTRAP to: ${URE_BOOTSTRAP}" echo "setting search path to: ${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" echo "execing: ${exedir}/helpex" ########################################### # # Create the hid2file map # ########################################### stub1='var map={' stub2='};' ffile='html/'$productversion'/hid2file.js' ffile2=/tmp/tmpbkm.txt rm -f $ffile2 $ffile find $helpfiles -type f -name "*.xhp" -exec xsltproc get_url.xsl {} + > $ffile2 echo $stub1 >> $ffile awk 'NF' $ffile2 >> $ffile echo $stub2 >> $ffile ########################################### # # Process languages # ########################################### for lang in $ALL_LANGS do echo 'Processing Language '$lang outDirLang=$here'/l10n/'$productversion'/'$lang mkdir -p $outDirLang outDirHTML=$here'/html/'$productversion'/'$lang mkdir -p $outDirHTML # Special case of en-US, tehre is no translation to do if [ "$lang" == en-US ]; then cp -a $helpfiles $outDirLang else # Create first all translations of xhp translations=$root/translations/source/$lang/helpcontent2/source/text/ pofiles=`mktemp` xhpfiles=`mktemp` # gather all po files of dir find $translations -type f >$pofiles # For each po file for ff in $(cat $pofiles) do echo 'Processing po file: '$ff potemp=`mktemp` echo $ff>$potemp name=${ff:0:-3} stub=${name##*text/} hlpFileDir=$helpfiles'/'$stub outDir=$outDirLang'/text/'$stub mkdir -p $outDir ls $hlpFileDir/*.xhp >$xhpfiles "${exedir}/helpex" -l $lang -mi $xhpfiles -m $potemp -o $outDir rm -f $potemp done fi #extracting bookmarks echo 'Extracting bookmarks' get_bookmark $lang $productversion $(pwd)/html & # converting to HTML convert2HTML $outDirLang $outDirHTML $lang $productversion $local $fileTree & rm -f $pofiles $xhpfiles done exit