Split Function [Runtime] /text/sbasic/shared/03120314.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. converted from old format - fpe
Split function Split Function [Runtime] Returns an array of substrings from a string expression.
Syntax: Split (Text As String, delimiter, number) Return value: String Parameters: Text: Any string expression. delimiter (optional): A string character that is used to delimit the Text. The default is the space character. number (optional): The number of substrings that you want to return. Example:
Dim a(3) Sub main() a(0) = "ABCDE" a(1) = 42 a(2) = "MN" a(3) = "X Y Z" JStr = Join1() Call Show(JStr, Split1(JStr)) JStr = Join2() Call Show(JStr, Split1(JStr)) JStr = Join3() Call Show(JStr, Split1(JStr)) End Sub Function Join1() Join1 = Join(a(), "abc") End Function Function Join2() Join2 = Join(a(), ",") End Function Function Join3() Join3 = Join(a()) End Function Function Split1(aStr) Split1 = Split(aStr, "D") End Function Sub Show(JoinStr, TheArray) l = LBound(TheArray) u = UBound(TheArray) total$ = "=============================" + Chr$(13) + JoinStr + Chr$(13) + Chr$(13) For i = l To u total$ = total$ + TheArray(i) + Str(Len(TheArray(i))) + Chr$(13) Next i MsgBox total$ End Sub