Text Functions/text/scalc/01/04060110.xhptext in cells; functionsfunctions; text functionsFunction Wizard;textText FunctionsThis section contains descriptions of the Text functions.
ARABIC functionARABICCalculates the value of a Roman number. The value range must be between 0 and 3999.SyntaxARABIC("Text")Text is the text that represents a Roman number.Example=ARABIC("MXIV") returns 1014=ARABIC("MMII") returns 2002ASC functioni79585ASCThe ASC function converts full-width to half-width ASCII and katakana characters. Returns a text string.See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/mwiki/index.php?title=Calc/Features/JIS_and_ASC_functions for a conversion table.SyntaxASC("Text")Text is the text that contains characters to be converted.See also JIS function.BAHTTEXT functioni66350BAHTTEXTConverts a number to Thai text, including the Thai currency names.SyntaxBAHTTEXT(Number)Number is any number. "Baht" is appended to the integral part of the number, and "Satang" is appended to the decimal part of the number.Example=BAHTTEXT(12.65) returns a string in Thai characters with the meaning of "Twelve Baht and sixty five Satang".BASE functionBASEConverts a positive integer to a specified base into a text from the numbering system. The digits 0-9 and the letters A-Z are used.SyntaxBASE(Number; Radix; [MinimumLength])Number is the positive integer to be converted.Radix indicates the base of the number system. It may be any positive integer between 2 and 36.MinimumLength (optional) determines the minimum length of the character sequence that has been created. If the text is shorter than the indicated minimum length, zeros are added to the left of the string.Exampledecimal system; converting to=BASE(17;10;4) returns 0017 in the decimal system.binary system; converting to=BASE(17;2) returns 10001 in the binary system.hexadecimal system; converting to=BASE(255;16;4) returns 00FF in the hexadecimal system.CHAR functionCHARConverts a number into a character according to the current code table. The number can be a two-digit or three-digit integer number.SyntaxCHAR(Number)Number is a number between 1 and 255 representing the code value for the character.Example=CHAR(100) returns the character d.CLEAN functionCLEANAll non-printing characters are removed from the string.SyntaxCLEAN("Text")Text refers to the text from which to remove all non-printable characters.CODE functionCODEReturns a numeric code for the first character in a text string.SyntaxCODE("Text")Text is the text for which the code of the first character is to be found.Example=CODE("Hieronymus") returns 72, =CODE("hieroglyphic") returns 104.The code used here does not refer to ASCII, but to the code table currently loaded.CONCATENATE functionCONCATENATECombines several text strings into one string.SyntaxCONCATENATE("Text1"; ...; "Text30")Text 1; Text 2; ... represent up to 30 text passages which are to be combined into one string.Example=CONCATENATE("Good ";"Morning ";"Mrs. ";"Doe") returns: Good Morning Mrs. Doe.DECIMAL functionDECIMALConverts text with characters from a number system to a positive integer in the base radix given. The radix must be in the range 2 to 36. Spaces and tabs are ignored. The Text field is not case-sensitive.If the radix is 16, a leading x or X or 0x or 0X, and an appended h or H, is disregarded. If the radix is 2, an appended b or B is disregarded. Other characters that do not belong to the number system generate an error.SyntaxDECIMAL("Text"; Radix)Text is the text to be converted. To differentiate between a hexadecimal number, such as A1 and the reference to cell A1, you must place the number in quotation marks, for example, "A1" or "FACE".Radix indicates the base of the number system. It may be any positive integer between 2 and 36.Example=DECIMAL("17";10) returns 17.=DECIMAL("FACE";16) returns 64206.=DECIMAL("0101";2) returns 5.DOLLAR functionDOLLARConverts a number to an amount in the currency format, rounded to a specified decimal place. In the Value field enter the number to be converted to currency. Optionally, you may enter the number of decimal places in the Decimals field. If no value is specified, all numbers in currency format will be displayed with two decimal places. You set the currency format in your system settings.SyntaxDOLLAR(Value; Decimals)Value is a number, a reference to a cell containing a number, or a formula which returns a number.Decimals is the optional number of decimal places.Example=DOLLAR(255) returns $255.00.=DOLLAR(367.456;2) returns $367.46. Use the decimal separator that corresponds to the current locale setting.EXACT functionEXACTCompares two text strings and returns TRUE if they are identical. This function is case-sensitive.SyntaxEXACT("Text1"; "Text2")Text1 refers to the first text to compare.Text2 is the second text to compare.Example=EXACT("Sun microsystems";"Sun Microsystems") returns FALSE.FIND functionFINDLooks for a string of text within another string. You can also define where to begin the search. The search term can be a number or any string of characters. The search is case-sensitive.SyntaxFIND("FindText"; "Text"; Position)FindText refers to the text to be found.Text is the text where the search takes place.Position (optional) is the position in the text from which the search starts.Example=FIND(76;998877665544) returns 6.FIXED functionFIXEDReturns a number as text with a specified number of decimal places and optional thousands separators.SyntaxFIXED(Number; Decimals; NoThousandsSeparators)Number refers to the number to be formatted.Decimals refers to the number of decimal places to be displayed.NoThousandsSeparators (optional) determines whether the thousands separator is used. If the parameter is a number not equal to 0, the thousands separator is suppressed. If the parameter is equal to 0 or if it is missing altogether, the thousands separators of your current locale setting are displayed.Example=FIXED(1234567.89;3) returns 1,234,567.890 as a text string. =FIXED(1234567.89;3;1) returns 1234567.890 as a text string.JIS functionJISThe JIS function converts half-width to full-width ASCII and katakana characters. Returns a text string.See http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/mwiki/index.php?title=Calc/Features/JIS_and_ASC_functions for a conversion table.SyntaxJIS("Text")Text is the text that contains characters to be converted.See also ASC function.LEFT functionLEFTReturns the first character or characters of a text.SyntaxLEFT("Text"; Number)Text is the text where the initial partial words are to be determined.Number (optional) specifies the number of characters for the start text. If this parameter is not defined, one character is returned.Example=LEFT("output";3) returns “out”.LEN functionLENReturns the length of a string including spaces.SyntaxLEN("Text")Text is the text whose length is to be determined.Example=LEN("Good Afternoon") returns 14.=LEN(12345.67) returns 8.LOWER functionLOWERConverts all uppercase letters in a text string to lowercase.SyntaxLOWER("Text")Text refers to the text to be converted.Example=LOWER("Sun") returns sun.MID functionMIDReturns a text string of a text. The parameters specify the starting position and the number of characters.SyntaxMID("Text"; Start; Number)Text is the text containing the characters to extract.Start is the position of the first character in the text to extract.Number specifies the number of characters in the part of the text.Example=MID("Sun Microsystems";5;5) returns Micro.PROPER functionPROPERCapitalizes the first letter in all words of a text string.SyntaxPROPER("Text")Text refers to the text to be converted.Example=PROPER("sun microsystems") returns Sun Microsystems.REPLACE functionREPLACEReplaces part of a text string with a different text string. This function can be used to replace both characters and numbers (which are automatically converted to text). The result of the function is always displayed as text. If you intend to perform further calculations with a number which has been replaced by text, you will need to convert it back to a number using the VALUE function.Any text containing numbers must be enclosed in quotation marks if you do not want it to be interpreted as a number and automatically converted to text.SyntaxREPLACE("Text"; Position; Length; "NewText")Text refers to text of which a part will be replaced.Position refers to the position within the text where the replacement will begin.Length is the number of characters in Text to be replaced.NewText refers to the text which replaces Text.Example=REPLACE("1234567";1;1;"444") returns "444234567". One character at position 1 is replaced by the complete NewText.REPT functionREPTRepeats a character string by the given number of copies.SyntaxREPT("Text"; Number)Text is the text to be repeated.Number is the number of repetitions.The result can be a maximum of 255 characters.Example=REPT("Good morning";2) returns Good morningGood morning.RIGHT functionRIGHTReturns the last character or characters of a text.SyntaxRIGHT("Text"; Number)Text is the text of which the right part is to be determined.Number (optional) is the number of characters from the right part of the text.Example=RIGHT("Sun";2) returns un.ROMAN functionROMANConverts a number into a Roman numeral. The value range must be between 0 and 3999, the modes can be integers from 0 to 4.SyntaxROMAN(Number; Mode)Number is the number that is to be converted into a Roman numeral.Mode (optional) indicates the degree of simplification. The higher the value, the greater is the simplification of the Roman number.Example=ROMAN(999) returns CMXCIX=ROMAN(999;0) returns CMXCIX=ROMAN (999;1) returns LMVLIV=ROMAN(999;2) returns XMIX=ROMAN(999;3) returns VMIV=ROMAN(999;4) returns IMSEARCH functionSEARCHReturns the position of a text segment within a character string. You can set the start of the search as an option. The search text can be a number or any sequence of characters. The search is not case-sensitive.SyntaxSEARCH("FindText"; "Text"; Position)FindText is the text to be searched for.Text is the text where the search will take place.Position (optional) is the position in the text where the search is to start.Example=SEARCH(54;998877665544) returns 10.SUBSTITUTE functionSUBSTITUTESubstitutes new text for old text in a string.SyntaxSUBSTITUTE("Text"; "SearchText"; "NewText"; Occurrence)Text is the text in which text segments are to be exchanged.SearchText is the text segment that is to be replaced (a number of times).NewText is the text that is to replace the text segment.Occurrence (optional) indicates which occurrence of the search text is to be replaced. If this parameter is missing the search text is replaced throughout.Example=SUBSTITUTE("123123123";"3";"abc") returns 12abc12abc12abc.=SUBSTITUTE("123123123";"3";"abc";2) returns 12312abc123.T functionTThis function returns the target text, or a blank text string if the target is not text.SyntaxT(Value)If Value is a text string or refers to a text string, T returns that text string; otherwise it returns a blank text string.Example=T(12345) returns an empty string. =T("12345") returns the string 12345.TEXT functionTEXTConverts a number into text according to a given format.SyntaxTEXT(Number; Format)Number is the numerical value to be converted.Format is the text which defines the format. Use decimal and thousands separators according to the language set in the cell format.Example=TEXT(12.34567;"###.##") returns the text 12.35=TEXT(12.34567;"000.00") returns the text 012.35TRIM functionTRIMRemoves spaces from a string, leaving only a single space character between words.SyntaxTRIM("Text")Text refers to text in which spaces are removed.Example=TRIM("hello") returns hello.UPPER functionUPPERConverts the string specified in the text field to uppercase.SyntaxUPPER("Text")Text refers to the lower case letters you want to convert to upper case.Example=UPPER("Good Morning") returns GOOD MORNING.VALUE functionVALUEConverts a text string into a number.SyntaxVALUE("Text")Text is the text to be converted to a number.Example=VALUE("4321") returns 4321.
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