User Defined Borders in Cells text/scalc/guide/borders.xhpCell Borderscells;bordersline arrangement;cellsborders;cellsUser Defined Borders in Cells
You can apply a variety of different lines to selected cells.Select the cell or a block of cells.Choose Format - Cells.In the dialog, click the Borders tab.Choose the border options you want to apply and click OK.The options in the Line arrangement area can be used to apply multiple border styles.Selection of cellsDepending on the selection of cells, the area looks different.
SelectionLine arrangement areaOne cellborders with one cell selectedCells in a columnborders with a column selectedCells in a rowborders with a row selectedCells in a block of 2x2 or moreborders with a block selected
You cannot apply borders to multiple selections.Default settingsClick one of the Default icons to set or reset multiple borders.The thin gray lines inside an icon show the borders that will be reset or cleared.The dark lines inside an icon show the lines that will be set using the selected line style and color.The thick gray lines inside an icon show the lines that will not be changed.ExamplesSelect a block of about 8x8 cells, then choose Format - Cells - Borders.default icon row of Borders tab pageClick the left icon to clear all lines. This removes all outer borders, all inner lines, and all diagonal lines.Click the second icon from the left to set an outer border and to remove all other lines.Click the rightmost icon to set an outer border. The inner lines are not changed, except the diagonal lines, which will be this a bug?Now you can continue to see which lines the other icons will set or remove.User defined settingsIn the User defined area, you can click to set or remove individual lines. The preview shows lines in three different states. Repeatedly click an edge or a corner to switch through the three different states.
Line typesImageMeaningA black linesolid line for user defined borderA black line sets the corresponding line of the selected cells. The line is shown as a dotted line when you choose the 0.05 pt line style. Double lines are shown when you select a double line style.A gray linegray line for user defined borderA gray line is shown when the corresponding line of the selected cells will not be changed. No line will be set or removed at this position.A white linewhite line for user defined borderA white line is shown when the corresponding line of the selected cells will be removed.
ExamplesSelect a single cell, then choose Format - Cells - Borders.Click the lower edge to set a very thin line as a lower border. All other lines will be removed from the cell.setting a thin lower borderChoose a thicker line style and click the lower edge. This sets a thicker line as a lower border.setting a thick line as a borderClick the second Default icon from the left to set all four borders. Then repeatedly click the lower edge until a white line is shown. This removes the lower border.removing lower borderYou can combine several line types and styles. The last image shows how to set thick outer borders (the thick black lines), while any diagonal lines inside the cell will not be touched (gray lines).advanced example for cell borders