Text Import/text/shared/00/00000208.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.UFI: moved index words to new scalc/guide/csv_files.xhpText ImportSets the import options for delimited data.ImportCharacter SetSpecifies the character set to be used in the imported file.From RowSpecifies the row where you want to start the import. The rows are visible in the preview window at the bottom of the dialog.Separator OptionsSpecifies whether your data uses separators or fixed widths as delimiters.Fixed widthSeparates fixed-width data (equal number of characters) into columns. Click on the ruler in the preview window to set the width.Separated bySelect the separator used in your data.TabSeparates data delimited by tabs into columns.SemicolonSeparates data delimited by semicolons into columns.CommaSeparates data delimited by commas into columns.SpaceSeparates data delimited by spaces into columns.OtherSeparates data into columns using the custom separator that you specify. Note: The custom separator must also be contained in your data.Merge delimitersCombines consecutive delimiters and removes blank data fields.Text delimiterSelect a character to delimit text data. You can can also enter a character in the text box.FieldsShows how your data will look when it is separated into columns.Column typeChoose a column in the preview window and select the data type to be applied the imported data. You can select one of the following options:
TypeFunctionStandard$[officename] determines the type.TextImported data are treated as text.Date (DMY)Applies a date format (Day, Month, Year) to the imported data in a column.Date (MDY)Applies a date format (Month, Day, Year) to the imported data in a column.Date (YMD)Applies a date format (Year, Month, Day) to the imported data in a column.US EnglishNumbers formatted in US English are searched for and included regardless of the system language. A number format is not applied. If there are no US English entries, the Standard format is applied.HideThe data in the column are not imported.
If you selected one of the date formats (DMY), (MDY), or (YMD) and you enter numbers without date delimiters, the numbers are interpreted as follows:
Number of characters Date format6Two characters each are taken for day, month, and year in the selected order.8Four characters are taken for the year, two each for month and day, in the selected order.5 or 7As with 6 or 8 characters, but the first part of the sequence has one character less. This will suppress a leading zero for month and day.
If you want to include the leading zero in the data you import, in telephone numbers for example, apply the "Text" format to the column.PreviewShows how the imported text will look after it is separated into columns. To apply a format to a column when it is imported, click a column and select a Column type. When you select a Column type, the column heading displays the applied format.If you want to use a fixed width to separate the imported data into columns, click in the ruler to set the width boundaries.Navigating Without the MouseFor more information, see Information about Import and Export Filters.