Gallery context menu
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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Gallery context menu
Defines how a selected graphic object is inserted into a document.
Inserts a copy of the selected graphic object directly into the document. No link with the original graphic exists. Documents saved after using "Copy" require more storage space than using "Link".
Inserts the selected graphic as a link. A linked graphic object is a reference to the original. The advantage of a link is that it requires less storage space than as a "copy" of the original.
Specifies how the background graphic is anchored.
Anchors the graphic to the page.
Anchors the graphic to a paragraph.
The Preview command displays the selected graphic. Select Preview again to restore the original view. You can also switch Preview on or off by double-clicking on the graphic or pressing the space bar.
Assigns a title to a selected Gallery object. The Gallery theme must not be write protected. The title will be set when you close the Enter Title dialog with OK. With linked objects, the source path appears after the title, within brackets.
Deletes the selected graphic after confirmation.