Context Menu of Web Pages in Read-Only Mode/text/shared/00/01020000.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpeContext Menu of Web Pages in Read-Only ModeThe type and order of the context menu commands varies depending on the object selected when you open the context menu, and on whether the document is read-only or in the edit mode.OpenThe Open command opens the link that the mouse pointer is hovering over.Open in a new windowThe Open in a new window command opens the link that the mouse pointer is hovering over in a new window.EditUse the Edit command to activate the edit mode. The edit mode can also be selected by clicking Edit File on the Standard Bar.Save GraphicsOpens a dialog where you can save the selected graphics.Copy LinkCopies the link at the mouse pointer to the clipboard.Copy GraphicCopies a selected graphic to the clipboard.Load GraphicsIf you have deactivated the graphics display, choose the Load Graphics command to make them visible.Graphics OffSets all graphics in the document to be invisible. This speeds up the screen display.Plug-Ins Off
Disables inserted plug-ins. Click this command again to reactivate the plug-ins.Save BackgroundAllows you to save the background of a Web page.