Numbers / Format/text/shared/01/05020300.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpeformats; number formatsnumber formats; formatsnumbers; formatscells; number formatscurrencies; number formatsdefaults; number formatsNumbers / FormatSpecify the formatting options for the selected cell(s).CategorySelect a category from the list, and then select a formatting style in the Format box.The default currency format for a cell is determined by the regional settings of your operating system.FormatSelect how you want the contents of the selected cell(s) to be displayed. The code for the selected option is displayed in the Format Code box.formats; currenciesnumbers; currency format codesformat codes; currenciescurrencies; format codesCurrency category list boxesSelect a currency, and then scroll to the top of the Format list to view the formatting options for the currency.The format code for currencies uses the form [$xxx-nnn], where xxx is the currency symbol, and nnn the country code. Special banking symbols, such as EUR (for Euro), do not require the country code. The currency format is not dependent on the language that you select in the Language box. LanguageSpecifies the language setting for the selected cells
fields. With the language set to Automatic, $[officename] automatically applies the number formats associated with the system default language. Select any language to fix the settings for the selected cells
fields.The language setting ensures that date and currency formats are preserved even when the document is opened in an operating system that uses a different default language setting.Source formatUses the same number format as the cells containing the data for the chart.OptionsSpecify the options for the selected format.Decimal placesEnter the number of decimal places that you want to display.Leading zeroesEnter the maximum number of zeroes to display in front of the decimal point.Negative numbers in redChanges the font color of negative numbers to red.Use thousands separatorInserts a separator between thousands. The type of separator that is used depends on your language settings.format codes; number formatFormat codeDisplays the number format code for the selected format. You can also enter a custom format. The following options are only available for user-defined number formats.AddAdds the number format code that you entered to the user-defined category.DeleteDeletes the selected number format. The changes are effective after you restart $[officename].Edit CommentAdds a comment to the selected number format..Name lineEnter a comment for the selected number format, and then click outside this box.Number format codesCustom format codes