Gradients/text/shared/01/05210300.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpeGradientsSet the properties of a gradient, or save and load gradient lists.TypeLists the available gradients. Click the gradient that you want to apply, and then click OK.Center XEnter the horizontal offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current horizontal location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To box.Center YEnter the vertical offset for the gradient, where 0% corresponds to the current vertical location of the endpoint color in the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To box.AngleEnter a rotation angle for the selected gradient.BorderEnter the amount by which you want to adjust the area of the endpoint color on the gradient. The endpoint color is the color that is selected in the To box.FromSelect a color for the beginning point of the gradient.Enter the intensity for the color in the From box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.ToSelect a color for the endpoint of the gradient.Enter the intensity for the color in the To box, where 0% corresponds to black, and 100 % to the selected color.GradientsSelect the type of gradient that you want to apply or create.AddAdds a custom gradient to the current list. Specify the properties of your gradient, and then click this buttonModifyApplies the current gradient properties to the selected gradient. If you want, you can save the gradient under a different name.Load Gradients ListLoad a different list of gradients.Save Gradients ListSaves the current list of gradients, so that you can load it later.