Find - The Full-Text Search/text/shared/05/00000140.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpeHelp; find tabHelp; full-text searchFind - The Full-Text Search
Enter the search term here. The search is not case-sensitive.Click to start a full-text search for the term you entered.Lists the headings of the pages found in your full-text search. They are sorted according to relevance with the best matches at the top of the list. To display a page, double-click its entry.Specifies whether to carry out an exact search for the word you entered. Incomplete words will not be found.Specifies whether to only search in document headings for the search term.Displays the entry selected in the list.The full text search function in $[officename] Help allows you to find Help documents that contain any combination of search terms. To do this, type one or more words into the Search term text field.The Search term text field stores the words you entered last. To repeat a previous search, click the arrow icon and select the term from the list.After the search has been carried out, the document headings of the results appear in a list sorted with the best matches at the top. Either double-click an entry, or select it and click Display to load the corresponding Help document.Use the check box Find in headings only to limit the search to document headings.The Complete words only check box allows you to perform an exact search. If this box is marked, incomplete words will not be found. Do not mark this check box if the search term you enter should also be found as part of a longer word.You can enter any combination of search terms, separated by spaces. Searching is not case-sensitive.The index and full-text searches always apply to the current application. If the search is unsuccessful, make sure the Help for the appropriate application is selected.