HTML Export - Page 1/text/shared/autopi/01110100.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpeHTML Export - Page 1On the first page you can select an existing design or create a new one.The settings you select for the export will be automatically saved as a design for other exports. You can enter the design name after clicking Create.Assign designIn this area, you can choose to create a new design and select or delete an existing design.If you delete a design, you will only delete the design information in the Wizard. An export file will not be deleted by this action.New designCreates a new design in the next pages of the Wizard.Existing DesignLoads an existing design from the design list to use as a starting point for the steps to follow on the next pages of the Wizard.Design listDisplays all existing designs.Delete Selected DesignDeletes the selected design from the design list.