Document Converter Page 1/text/shared/autopi/01130100.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpeDocument Converter Page 1Specifies whether to convert documents from $[officename] or Microsoft Office, and specifies the document type.$[officename]Converts binary $[officename] documents (StarOffice 5.2 and before) into the OpenDocument format used by $[officename].UFI: dont use a variable!Text documentsConverts documents in the old format of $[officename] Writer *.sdw into OpenDocument *.odt documents.SpreadsheetsConverts documents in the old format of $[officename] Calc *.sdc into OpenDocument *.ods documents.Drawing/presentation documentsConverts documents in the old format of $[officename] Draw *.sda into OpenDocument *.odg documents, and $[officename] Impress *.sdd into OpenDocument *.odp documents.Master documents/formulasConverts documents in the old format of $[officename] Writer master documents *.sgl into OpenDocument *.odm documents, and $[officename] Math *.smf into OpenDocument *.odf documents.Microsoft OfficeConverts Microsoft Office documents into the OpenDocument format.Word documentsConverts documents in Microsoft Word format *.doc into OpenDocument *.odt documents.Excel documentsConverts documents in Microsoft Excel format *.xls into OpenDocument *.ods documents.PowerPoint documentsConverts documents in Microsoft PowerPoint format *.ppt into OpenDocument *.odp documents.Create LogfileCreates a log file in your work directory showing which documents have been converted.Continue to the next page of the Document Converter.