Copy Table/text/shared/explorer/database/05030100.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.FPE: Switched for Adabas in So only (#i10510#)Copy TableIf you copy a query or table in the data source view by dragging and dropping to a table container, the Copy Table dialog appears.Table nameSpecifies a name for the copy. Some databases only accept names containing eight or fewer characters.OptionsDefinition and dataCreates a 1:1 copy of the database table. The table definition and the complete data are copied. The table definition includes the table structure and format from different data fields, including special field properties. The field contents supply the data.DefinitionCopies only the table definition and not the corresponding data.As table viewIf the database supports Views, you can select this option only when a query is copied in a table container. This option enables you to see and edit a query as a normal table view. The table will be filtered in the view with a "Select" SQL statement.Attach dataAppends the data of the table to be copied to an existing table.The table definition must be exactly the same so that data can be copied. Data cannot be copied if a data field in the target table has another format than the datafield in the source table.Match the data field names in the Copy Table dialog on the Apply Columns page.If the data cannot be attached, you will see a list of fields in the Column Info dialog whose data cannot be copied. If you confirm this dialog with OK, only the data that does not appear in the list will be attached.If the fields of the target table have a smaller field length than in the source table when data is being attached, the source data fields will automatically be truncated to match the field lengths in the target table.primary keys; definingCreate primary key Automatically generates a primary key data field and fills it with values.You should use this field if you copy a dBase table to the Adabas format, since in the Adabas format a primary key must always be available in order to edit the table.
NameSpecifies a name for the primary key generated. This name is optional.Next page