Data Handling /text/shared/explorer/database/dabaadvpropdat.xhp Advanced Properties dialog Data handling tab page dedr: reviewed
Data Handling Specifies the way you can work with data in a database.UFI: some text copied from shared\explorer\database\11020000.xhp
how to get this: Edit Database AdvancedProp Use SQL92 naming constraints Only allows characters that conform to the SQL92 naming convention in a name in a data source. All other characters are rejected. Each name must begin with a lowercase letter, an uppercase letter, or an underscore ( _ ). The remaining characters can be ASCII letters, numbers, and underscores. Append the table alias name in SELECT statements Appends the alias to the table name in SELECT statements. Use Outer Join syntax '{OJ }' Use escape sequences for outer joins. The syntax for this escape sequence is {oj outer-join}copied from shared\explorer\database\02010100.xhp Example: select Article.* from {oj item LEFT OUTER JOIN orders ON} Ignore the privileges from the database driver Ignores access privileges that are provided by the database driver. Replace named parameters with ? Replaces named parameters in a data source with a question mark (?). Display version columns (when available) Some databases assign version numbers to fields to track changes to records. The version number of a field is incremented by one each time the contents of the field are changed. Displays the internal version number of the record in the database table.copied from shared\explorer\database\11090000.xhp Use the catalog name in SELECT statements Uses the current data source of the catalog. This option is useful when the ODBC data source is a database server. Do not select this option if the ODBC data source is a dBase driver.copie from shared\explorer\database\11020000.xhp Use the schema name in SELECT statements Allows you to use the schema name in SELECT statements. Create index with ASC or DESC statement Creates an index with ASC or DESC statements. Comparison of Boolean values Select the type of Boolean comparison that you want to use.