JDBC Connection text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz02jdbc.xhp UFI: Database Wizard JDBC page JDBC Connection Specifies the options for accessing JDBC databases.copied text from shared\explorer\database\11110000 JDBC Examples %PRODUCTNAME can communicate with a database through a JDBC driver class, that is provided by the database manufacturer. Below are two examples of JDBC driver classes. The driver classes must be added to the Java CLASSPATH on your system, or in %PRODUCTNAME. Oracle database Use JDBC to access an Oracle database from Solaris or Linux, and ODBC to access the database from Microsoft Windows. Under UNIX, ensure that the Oracle database client is installed with JDBC support. The JDBC driver class from the Solaris Oracle client version 8.x is located in the <Oracle client>/product/jdbc/lib/classes111.zip directory. You can also download the latest version from the Oracle web site: http://otn.oracle.com/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/content.html Enter the location of the Oracle database server in the Data source URL box. The syntax of the URL depends on the database type. See the documentation that came with the JDBC driver for more information. For an Oracle database, the syntax of the URL is: oracle:thin:@hostname:port:database_name Where: hostname is the name of the machine that runs the Oracle database. You can also replace hostname with the IP address of the server. port is the port where the Oracle database listens. Ask your database administrator for the correct port address. database_name is the name of the Oracle database. Ask your database administrator for the correct name. MySQL database Use the mm.mysql-2.0.4-bin.jar driver archive available on the following web site: http://mmmysql.sourceforge.net/oldDist.html The syntax for a MySQL database is: mysql://hostname:port/database_name Where: hostname is the name of the machine that runs the MySQL database. You can also replace hostname with the IP address of the server. port is the default port for MySQL databases, namely 3306. database_name is the name of the database. Data source URL Enter the URL for connecting to the database, for example, for the MySQL-JDBC-Driver, enter "jdbc:mysql://<Servername>/<DB-Name>", where "DB-Name" is the name of the database. For more information on the JDBC driver, consult the documentation that came with the driver. JDBC Driver Class Enter the name of the JDBC driver. Test ConnectionUFI: may be Test Class - both strings are in spec Click to test the connection using the current settings. Authentification Database Wizard