LDAP Connection /text/shared/explorer/database/dabawiz02ldap.xhp UFI: Database Wizard LDAP page YJ: checked LDAP server as address database address books; LDAP server data sources; LDAP server LDAP Connection Specifies the settings for importing a database using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol). This page is only available if you registered an LDAP server as an address database.UFI: copied text from shared\explorer\database\11190000 Server URL Enter the name of the LDAP server using the format "ldap.server.com". Base DN Enter the starting point to search the LDAP database, for example, "dc=com". Port number Enter the port of the LDAP server, normally 389. Use secure connection (SSL) Creates a secure connection to the LDAP server through the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). By default, an SSL connection uses port 636. A regular connection uses port 389. Authentication Database Wizard