Table Wizard - Set Type Formatting/text/shared/explorer/database/tablewizard02.xhpUFI: new Table Wizard page 2YJ: checkedTable Wizard - Set Type FormattingSpecifies the field information for your selected fields.Selected fieldsSelect a field in order to edit the field information.-Remove the selected field from the list box.+Add a new text field to the list box.Field informationField nameDisplays the name of the selected data field. If you want, you can enter a new name.Field typeSelect a field type.Entry requiredIf set to Yes, this field must not be empty.not in spec docLengthSpecifies the number of characters for the data field.Decimal placesSpecifies the number of decimal places for the data field. This option is only available for numerical or decimal data fields.Default valueSpecifies the default value for a Yes/No field.Auto-increment statementEnter the statement used by the database to auto-increment this field.not in spec docTable Wizard - Set primary key