Fontwork /text/shared/fontwork_toolbar.xhp UFI: Fontwork Toolbar DEDR: Reviewed
Fontwork The Fontwork toolbar opens when you select a Fontwork object.
Fontwork Gallery Opens the Fontwork Gallery where you can select another preview. Click OK to apply the new set of properties to your Fontwork object. Fontwork Shape Opens the Fontwork Shape toolbar. Click a shape to apply the shape to all selected Fontwork objects. Fontwork Same Letter Heights Switches the letter height of the selected Fontwork objects from normal to the same height for all object. Fontwork Alignment Opens the Fontwork Alignment window. Click to apply the alignment to the selected Fontwork objects. Fontwork Character Spacing Opens the Fontwork Character Spacing window. Click to apply the character spacing to the selected Fontwork objects. Custom Opens the Fontwork Character Spacing dialog where you can enter a new character spacing value. Value Enter the Fontwork character spacing value. Kern Character Pairs Switches the kerning of character pairs on and off.