Showing, Docking and Hiding Windows /text/shared/guide/autohide.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. converted from old format - fpe Gallery; hiding/showing data source view; showing Navigator; docking Styles and Formatting window; docking windows; hiding/showing/docking docking; windows undocking windows showing;docked windows hiding;docked windows Showing, Docking and Hiding Windows Some windows in $[officename] are dockable, such as the Navigator window. You can move these windows, re-size them or dock them to an edge. Docking and Undocking Windows To dock a window, do one of the following: Drag the window by its title bar to the side, or Double-click inside a vacant area of the window; in the Styles and Formatting window, double-click a gray part of the window next to the icons. These methods can also be used to undock a currently docked window. Showing and Hiding Docked Windows Icon UFI: image changed, replace with newer image. Asked Stella where to find it... Click the button on the edge of the docked window to show or hide the docked window. The AutoHide function allows you to temporarily show a hidden window by clicking on its edge. When you click in the document, the docked window hides again.