Opening Documents /text/shared/guide/doc_open.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. FPE: Deleted screenshot. Cleaned slightly. opening; documents documents; opening files; opening loading; documents text; opening tables; opening presentations; opening drawings; opening FTP; opening documents new documents empty documents text documents; new spreadsheets; new drawings; creating new presentations; creating HTML documents; new formulas; new Opening Documents Opening an existing document Do one of the following: Choose File - Open Click the Open File icon Press Ctrl+O The Open dialog appears. Select the file you want to open and click Open. You can also enter a URL in the File name box of the Open dialog. This must start with the fully extended form with file:/// or ftp:// or http://. Restrict Files to Display To restrict the display of files in the Open dialog to a certain type select the corresponding File type from the list. Select All Files (*.*) to display all files. Opening an Empty Document Click the New icon Icon on the Standard bar or choose File - New. This opens a document of the document type specified. If you click the arrow next to the New icon, a submenu opens in which you can select another document type.
File - Open