Editing Graphic Objects /text/shared/guide/insert_graphic_drawit.xhp resizing, see also scaling/zooming scaling, see also zooming drawings, see also draw objects text; drawing pictures inserting; drawings pictures; drawing objects; copying when moving in presentations draw objects; adding/editing/copying circle drawings square drawings handles; scaling scaling; objects objects;moving and resizing with mouse resizing;objects, by mouse copying; draw objects pasting;draw objects editing;draw objects adding;draw objects pictures;scaling/resizing MW deleted "changing;" and "draw objects;copying" and added a "see also" cross-reference.Editing Graphic Objects Choose View - Toolbars - Drawing to open the Drawing toolbar, if it is not already open. Drawing objects can be subsequently edited and modified. Drawing objects created in this way are vector graphics, which you can scale freely without any loss of quality. To create a rectangle, click the rectangle icon and move your cursor to the place in the document where you want one corner of the rectangle to be. Press the mouse button and hold it down while dragging to the opposite corner of the rectangle. When you release the mouse button, the rectangle is inserted in the document. It is selected, and you can edit its properties through the context menu. To draw multiple objects of the same type, double-click the icon. To draw multiple objects of the same type, double-click the icon. Draw multiple objects of the same type. Click the document without moving the mouse to stop drawing objects. If you want to open up draw objects from the center instead of dragging from one corner to the other, hold down the Option Alt key while dragging. With some window managers, you may need to hold down also the meta key. Holding down the Shift key while dragging restricts the created object. For example, instead of a rectangle you get a square, instead of an ellipse you get a circle. When you drag a handle of an existing object with Shift held down, the aspect ratio of the object is retained. To scale the objects, first select them by clicking on them with the selection tool. You then see eight handles around the object. When you drag one of the four corner handles, the opposite corner remains fixed while the other three corners move. When you drag one of the side handles, the opposite side remains fixed. To scale a draw object, first select the object, then press Ctrl+Tab repeatedly to highlight one of the handles. Then press an arrow key. To scale in smaller steps, hold down the Alt key while pressing an arrow key. Press Esc to leave the point edit mode. To move draw objects, first select them. To select more than one object, press the Shift key while clicking. Select text objects by clicking exactly on their edge. While holding down the mouse button, drag the objects to the new location. If you hold down Shift while dragging, the objects can only be positioned in places compatible with the page margins and the other objects on the page. To move a draw object using the keyboard, first select the object, then press an arrow key. To move in smaller steps, hold down the Alt key while pressing an arrow key. To copy a draw object, keep holding down the Command key Ctrl, click the draw object and wait a second, then with the key still pressed, drag the draw object. To revert to normal text mode after creating and editing draw objects, click in an area of the document containing no draw or other objects. If you see a drawing cursor, first exit this mode by clicking the Select icon.
Information about the individual icons