Printing Address Labels/text/shared/guide/labels_database.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.FPE: Deleted screenshot. Cleaned.creating;address labels from databasesaddress labels from databaseslabels; from databasesstickersdatabases;creating labelsPrinting Address Labels
Choose File - New - Labels to open the Labels dialog.Select the format of the label sheets you want to print on. Remember to mark Synchronize contents on the Options tab. Click New Document.When you see the label document, open the data source view by choosing View - Data Sources.In the data source view, select your address data source table.Drag the data fields needed for the Address individually into the top left label. For example, click on the column header NAME and, keeping the mouse button depressed, drag it into the label. This inserts a field. Put the fields in order to complete the address in the first label at top left.Place the cursor at the last text position (after the last field) in the first label.Choose Insert - Fields - Other, and go to the Database tab.Select the type Next record, click on Insert and then on Close.You can now synchronize the labels. Click on the SynchronizeLabels button in the small window.In the data source view, select the records for which you would like address stickers, by clicking on the row headers to the left. Use the Shift or Ctrl key in the usual way to select several records at the same time.On the Table Data bar, click the Data to Fields icon.UFI: conf. to spec doc, this icon no longer existsUFI: This is a bug in the spec, FS told meYou can then save and/or print the label document.