Selecting the Document Language/text/shared/guide/language_select.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpelanguages; selectingdocuments; languagescharacters; languages selectiontext; languages selectionparagraph styles; languagesdrawings; languagesdefault languagesspellcheck; default languagesdictionaries, see also languagesapplying;languages, to selected textSelecting the Document Language
The language you select for your document determines the dictionary used for spellcheck, thesaurus and hyphenation, the decimal and thousands delimiter used and the default currency format.The language you select applies to the whole document.Within the document, you can apply a separate language to any paragraph style. This has priority over the language of the whole document.You can assign a language to selected pieces of text in a paragraph, either by direct formatting or with a character style. This assignment has priority over the paragraph style and document language.Selecting a language for the whole documentChoose Tools - Options. Go to Language Settings - Languages.Under Default languages for documents, select the document language for all newly created documents. If you mark For the current document only, your choice will only apply to the current document. Close the dialog with OK.Selecting a language for a Paragraph StylePlace the cursor in the paragraph whose paragraph style you want to edit.Open the context menu and select Edit Paragraph Style. This opens the Paragraph Style dialog.Select the Font tab.Select the Language and click OK.All paragraphs formatted with the current paragraph style will have the selected language.Applying a language directly to selected textSelect the text to which you want to apply a language.Choose Format - Character. This opens the Character dialog.Select the Font tab.Select the Language and click OK.In %PRODUCTNAME Calc, choose Format - Cells and proceed accordingly.Selecting a language for a Character StyleOpen the Styles and Formatting window and click on the Character Styles icon.Click on the name of the character style to which you want to apply a different language.Then open the context menu in the Styles and Formatting window and select Modify. This opens the Character Style dialog.Select the Font tab.Select the Language and click OK.Now you can apply the character style to your selected text.Tools - Options - Language Settings - LanguagesFormat - Character - Font