Selecting Measurement Units/text/shared/guide/measurement_units.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpedocuments;measurement units inmeasurement units;selectingunits;measurement unitscentimetersinchesdistancesselecting;measurement unitsSelecting Measurement Units
You can select separate measurement units for $[officename] Writer, $[officename] Writer/Web, $[officename] Calc, $[officename] Impress and $[officename] Draw documents.Open a document of the type for which you want to change the measurement units.Choose Tools - Options.In the left pane of the dialog, double-click the application for which you want to select the measurement unit.Double-click %PRODUCTNAME Writer if you want to select the measurement units for text documents.Click on General.On the General tab page, select the measurement unit. Close the dialog with OK.Converting measurement unitsTools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Writer - General