Turning off Bullets and Numbering for Individual Paragraphs/text/shared/guide/numbering_stop.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.converted from old format - fpenumbering; turning offbullets; turning offremoving;bullets and numberingkeyboard;removing numberingTurning off Bullets and Numbering for Individual Paragraphs
IconIconFor the current paragraph or selected paragraphs you can switch off the automatic numbering or listing. Click the Numbering Off icon in the Bullets and Numbering bar.
IconIf the cursor is located within a numbered or bulleted list, you can turn off automatic numbers or bullets for the current paragraph or selected paragraphs by clicking the Bullets On/Off icon on the Text Formatting bar.
To remove numbering from a paragraph using the keyboard:
Place the cursor at the beginning of a numbered paragraph and press the Backspace key.
The numbering of the paragraph disappears and is removed from the numbering sequence. Numbering resumes in the following paragraph.
If you press the Enter key in an empty numbered paragraph, the numbering stops.
Format - Bullets and Numbering