Inserting and Editing Tab Stops/text/shared/guide/tabs.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.UFI: edited link in par_id3151059 and text in 3146972 to fix #i21542#
added intro text to give info about scope
FPE: Deleted stops; inserting and editingparagraphs; tab stopstext; tab stopsdefault tab stops in textediting; tab stopsinserting;tab stopsdecimal tab stopsInserting and Editing Tab Stops
On the horizontal ruler you can see the tab stops for the current paragraph. If you want to change the tab stops, you should first consider the scope to which you want to change tab stops as follows:Change the default tab stops for all documents: Use the menu Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Writer - General.Change the tab stops for all paragraphs using the current Paragraph Style: Right-click the paragraph to open the context menu, choose Edit Paragraph Style, click Tabs.Change the tab stops for one or more paragraphs: Select the paragraphs, then click inside the ruler.In the following, you find instructions for all above mentioned tasks.You can set a tab stop by clicking on the ruler or by selecting Format - Paragraph - Tabs. Both methods affect the current paragraph or all selected paragraphs.Click the ruler once to set a left-justified tab. Right-click a tab icon on the ruler to see the context menu in which you can change the tab type.To set several decimal tabs one after the other, keep clicking the icon to the left of the ruler until the desired tab type is shown, then click on the ruler.
SelectionDescription:IconSetting left tabsIconSetting right tabsIconSetting decimal tabsIconSetting centered tabs
Double-click the ruler to open the Paragraph dialog.Double-click the white area of the ruler to set one tab. The Paragraph dialog appears with the Tabs tab page open.Moving Tabs on the RulerMove individual tab stops on the ruler using the mouse.To move several tab stops on the ruler, press the Shift key before you click a tab. Drag one tab while continuing to press Shift to move that tab as well as all the tabs to the right of it. The spacing between those tabs remains the same.Press Command
Ctrl when you drag a tab on the ruler to move that tab and all the tabs to the right of it. This results in the spacing between those tabs changing proportionally to their distance from the margin.Changing the Properties of TabsTo change tab type, click the tab you want to change on the ruler, then right-click to open the context menu.Deleting TabsTo delete a tab, hold down the mouse button while you drag the tab outside the ruler.Changing the DefaultsIf you want to change the settings of your default tab stops, you will find further information under Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Writer - General
Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Calc - General
Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Draw - General
Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Impress - General
Tools - Options - (module name) - General.rulers; default settingsrulers; measurement unitsmeasurement units; rulersThe context menu of the ruler allows you to change the displayed units of measurement. These changes are only valid until you exit $[officename], and they only apply to the ruler on whose context menu you made the change. If you want to change the ruler measurement units permanently, choose Tools - Options - [Document type] - View and change the measurement unit there.Ruler