Writing Aids/text/shared/optionen/01010400.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.FPE: Added missing section
UFI: fixed #i39353#writing aids;optionscustom dictionaries; editinguser-defined dictionaries; editingdictionaries; editing user-definedexceptions; user-defined dictionariesuser-defined dictionaries; dictionary of exceptionsspellcheck; dictionary of exceptionsignore list for spellcheckspellcheck; ignore listspellcheck; Germanhyphenation; minimal number of charactersold German spellchecknew German spellcheckWriting AidsSpecifies the properties of the spellcheck, thesaurus and hyphenation.Available Language ModulesContains the installed language modules.A language module can contain one, two or three submodules: Spellcheck, hyphenation and thesaurus. Each sub-module can be available in one or more languages. If you click in front of the name of the module, you activate all the available sub-modules simultaneously. If you remove a set mark, you deactivate all the available sub-modules simultaneously. If you wish to activate or deactivate individual sub-modules, click the Edit button to open the Edit Modules dialog.EditTo edit a language module, select it and click Edit. The Edit Modules dialog appears.User-defined dictionariesLists the available user dictionaries. Mark the user dictionaries that you want to use for spellcheck and hyphenation.NewOpens the New Dictionary dialog, in which you can name a new user-defined dictionary or dictionary of exceptions and specify the language.New DictionaryIn the Dictionary section you can name a new user-defined dictionary or dictionary of exceptions and specify the language.NameSpecifies the name of the new custom dictionary. The file extension "*.DIC" is automatically appended.LanguageBy selecting a certain language you can limit the use of the custom dictionary. By selecting All the custom dictionary is used independently of the current language.Exceptions (-)Specifies whether you wish to avoid certain words in your documents. You can include in the custom dictionary defined in this way all the words to be avoided. During the spellcheck, if this exception dictionary is activated, you will receive a corresponding note that this word should be avoided.EditOpens the Edit custom dictionary dialog, in which you can add to your custom dictionary or edit existing entries.In the Edit custom dictionary dialog you have the option to enter new terms or edit existing entries. If you edit an exception dictionary, the dialog has the added facility of defining an exception for a word. During the spellcheck this exception is then listed as a suggestion.When a dictionary is edited, a check is made on the status of the file. If the file is write-protected, it cannot be changed. The buttons New and Delete are then deactivated. BookSpecifies the book to be edited.The IgnoreAllList (All) includes all words that have been marked with Ignore during spellcheck, This list is administered only for the current spellcheck in the volatile RAM. Some user data will be entered in the list at program start. IgnoreAllList (All) cannot be deleted.
The IgnoreAllList entry cannot be selected and cannot be deleted. Only the words included as content can be deleted. This happens automatically each time that $[officename] is closed.LanguageAssigns a new language to the current custom dictionary.WordYou can type a new word for inclusion in the dictionary. In the list below you will see the contents of the current custom dictionary. If you select a word from this list it is displayed in the text field. If you type a word with an equals sign after it, such as "AutoComplete=", the word is neither automatically hyphenated nor is a hyphenation suggested. Typing "Auto=Complete" result in the word being hyphenated, or a hyphenation suggested, at this point.SuggestionThis input field is only available if you are editing an exception dictionary. The field takes the alterative suggestion for the word in the "Word" text box.NewAdds the word in the Word text field to your current custom dictionary. The word in the Suggestion field is also added when working with exception dictionaries.DeleteRemoves the marked word from the current custom dictionary.DeleteDeletes the selected dictionary after a confirmation, provided it is not write-protected.OptionsDefines the options for the spellcheck and hyphenation.EditIf you want to change a value, select the entry and then click Edit. You will see a dialog for entering a new value.Check uppercase wordsSpecifies that capitalization is checked during spellcheck.Check words with numbers.Specifies that words that contain numbers as well as letters are to be checked.Check capitalizationChecks for the correct use of capitals at the start of words during spellcheck.Check special regionsSpecifies that special regions, such as text in headers and footers, document tables, and text frames, are checked during spellcheck.Check in all languagesChecks spelling against all installed language dictionaries. The "Language" font attribute is therefore not taken into account.Check spelling as you typeAutomatically checks spelling as you type, and underlines errors.Typing errors are highlighted in the document with a red underline. If you place the cursor over a word marked in this way, you can open the context menu to obtain a list of suggested corrections. Select a suggested correction to replace the suspect word with the suggestion. If you make the same mistake again while editing the document, it will be corrected automatically.These automatic replacements are only made during the current $[officename] session.To place the word pair in the AutoCorrect replacement table, open the AutoCorrect context menu and choose AutoCorrect. Make your selection from the submenu. The word is replaced and at the same time the word pair is placed in the replacement table.Do not mark errorsSpecifies that spelling errors will not be indicated with a red underline. This mode allows you to check the spelling "in the background" while typing or loading a text, but without the time-consuming red underlining. If you unmark the Do not mark errors box later, you will immediately see the red underlining.German spelling - oldSpecifies that old German spelling rules are applied. If you don't check this box, $[officename] follows the new spelling rules for spellcheck and hyphenation.Minimal number of characters for hyphenation Specifies the minimum number of characters required for automatic hyphenation to be applied. Type the minimum number of characters that must come before or after the hyphen.Characters before line breakSets the minimum number of characters of the word to be hyphenated that must remain at the end of the line.Characters after line breakSpecifies the minimum number of characters of a hyphenated word required at the next line.Hyphenate without inquirySpecifies that you will never be asked for a manual hyphenation. If the field is not marked, when a word is not recognized you will be presented with a dialog for entering hyphens.Hyphenate special regionsSpecifies that hyphenation will also be carried out in footnotes, headers and footers.