View/text/shared/optionen/01010800.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.UFI: changes due to spec NativeWidgetRendering; dedr: reviewedviews; defaultsdefaults; viewssettings; viewsscaling; screen representationfont sizes; scaling on screenmenus; inactive menu itemscommands; not visibleWYSIWYG in fonts listspreviews; fonts listsfonts listsfont names;histories3D viewviews; in 3DOpenGL; usingOpenGL; optimized outputditheringinteractions; refreshing objectsmouse; positioningclipboard; selection clipboardselection clipboardViewSpecifies view options.User InterfaceScalingUses percentile scaling for font size in user interface elements, such as dialogs and icon labels.The Scaling setting does not affect the font size of text in a document.Toolbar icon sizeSpecifies the display size of toolbar icons.The Automatic option uses the font size settings of your operating system for menus.
Use system font for user interfaceSpecifies to use the system font to display all menus and dialogs.MenuShow icons in menusDisplays icons next to the corresponding menu items.Show inactive menu itemsDisplays inactive menu items in gray.Inactive items in context menus are not displayed.Font listsShow preview of fontsDisplays the names of selectable fonts in the corresponding font, for example, fonts in the Font box on the Formatting bar.Show font historyLists the last five fonts that you used in the current document at the top of the list in the Font Name box on the Formatting bar.RestoreEditing viewSpecifies whether to restore the last used document view in %PRODUCTNAME. Writer documents always open on page 1.Many view properties valid when the document was last saved will be restored.Open windowsThis is where you define whether windows that are open when you end the program are to be restored when you restart $[officename].3D viewUse OpenGLSpecifies that all 3D graphics from $[officename] Draw and $[officename] Impress will be displayed in your system using an OpenGL capable hardware. If your system does not have an OpenGL capable hardware, this setting will be ignored. Optimized outputSelect this option for an optimized OpenGL output. Disable the optimization in case of graphical errors of 3D output.Use ditheringThe Use dithering option uses dithering to display more colors with few colors available. Dithering creates the illusion of new colors and shades by varying the pattern of color pixels. Varying the patterns of black and white dots, for instance, produces different shades of gray.Internally, 3-D graphics are always created with 16 million colors (24-bit color depth). They are used to dither portrayals with fewer colors. Without dithering, several bits of color information are omitted, making the grading distinctly visible. The fewer colors available, the poorer the quality.Object refresh during interactionSpecifies that if you rotate or move a 3-D object, the full display is rotated or moved and not a grid frame.Press Shift+Ctrl+R to restore or refresh the view of the current document.UFI: dont know where else to plce this. But we need it: see "customize/menus/add commands".Mouse positioningSpecifies if and how the mouse pointer will be positioned in newly opened dialogs.Middle mouse buttonDefines the function of the middle mouse button.Automatic scrolling - dragging while pressing the middle mouse button shifts the view.Paste clipboard - pressing the middle mouse button inserts the contents of the "Selection clipboard" at the cursor position. The "Selection clipboard" is independent of the normal clipboard that you use by Edit - Copy/Cut /Insert or the respective keyboard shortcuts. Clipboard and "Selection clipboard" can contain different contents at the same time.
ClipboardSelection clipboardCopy contentEdit - Copy Ctrl+C.Select text, table, object.Paste contentEdit - Paste Ctrl+V pastes at the cursor position.Clicking the middle mouse button pastes at the mouse pointer position.Pasting into another documentNo effect on the clipboard contents.The last marked selection is the content of the selection clipboard.