Memory /text/shared/optionen/01011000.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. converted from old format - fpe
undoing; number of steps graphics; cache cache for graphics Memory Defines the settings for the graphics cache and the number of steps you can undo.
Undo Defines the maximum number of reverse steps allowed. Number of steps You can specify the number of steps which can be undone by selecting a number from the list. Graphics cache The graphics cache saves the graphics contained in a document in your computer's main memory. This means that the attributes of a graphic stored in the cache do not have to be re-calculated if you return to the page containing the graphic after scrolling through a document. Use for $[officename] (MB) Specifies the total cache size for all graphics. Memory per object (MB) Specifies that objects which are larger than the selected megabytes will not be placed in the cache. Remove from memory after (hh:mm) Specifies the time that each graphic remains in the cache in hours and minutes. Cache for inserted objects Number of objects Choose the maximum number of OLE objects that are pooled in the cache. $[officename] Quickstarter Load $[officename] during system start-up Mark this check box if you want $[officename] to enable quickstart at system start-up. If the Quickstarter is enabled, parts of $[officename] will already be loaded in the memory upon system start-up. In the system tray is an icon with a context menu.