General/text/shared/optionen/01040900.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.UFI: tried to fix #i22472#links; updatingupdating; linksupdating; fields and charts, automaticallyfields;updating automaticallycharts; updating automaticallycaptions; tablestables in text; captionscaptions; picturespictures; captionscaptions; framesframes; captionscaptions; OLE objectsOLE objects; captionstabs; spacing in text documentsspacing; tabs in text documentsGeneralSpecifies general settings for text documents.UpdateUpdate links when loadingAlwaysAlways updates links while loading a document.On requestUpdates links only on request while loading a document.NeverLinks are never updated while loading a document.AutomaticallyFieldsThe contents of all fields are updated automatically whenever the screen contents are displayed as new. Even with this box unchecked, some fields are updated each time a special condition takes place. The following table lists the fields that are updated without regard to this checkbox.
ConditionAutomatically updated fieldsPrinting the document (also exporting as PDF)Author, Sender, Chapter, Date, Time, References, Last printedReloading the documentAuthor, Sender, Chapter, Date, TimeSaving the documentFile name, Statistics, Document number, Editing time, ModifiedEditing the text line where the field is inAuthor, Sender, Chapter, Date, TimeManually changing a variableConditional text, Hidden text, Hidden paragraph, Variables, DDE fieldSwitching off "fixed content"Author, Sender, all document information fieldsChanging the page countPage
ChartsSpecifies whether to automatically update charts. The Charts option is automatically activated if the Fields box has been marked.CaptionDefines the settings for captions in tables, graphics, frames and OLE objects that have been inserted into a text document.AutomaticSpecifies that the objects selected in the Caption dialog (to open click the ... button) are formatted as they are defined there.Object selection...The Object selection button opens the Caption dialog where you can make default settings for inserted objects of different types.UFI: test if still in m55 after gt09 CWSSettingsMeasurement unitSpecifies unit of measure for text documents.Tab stopsSpecifies the spacing between the individual tab stops. The horizontal ruler displays the selected spacing.