General /text/shared/optionen/01060300.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc. UFI: added an index for Metrics, replaced table by spreadsheet
metrics;in sheets tab stops; setting in sheets cells; cursor positions after input edit mode; through Enter key formatting; expanding expanding; formatting references; expanding column headers; highlighting row headers; highlighting General Defines general settings for spreadsheet documents.
Metrics Measurement unit Defines the unit of measure in spreadsheets. Tab stops Defines the tab stops distance. Input settings Press Enter to move selection Determines the direction that the cursor in the spreadsheet will move after you press the Enter key. Press Enter to switch to edit mode Allows you to immediately edit the selected cell after pressing the Enter key. Expand formatting Specifies whether to automatically apply the formatting attributes of the selected cell to the empty adjacent cells. I f, for example, the contents of the selected cell have the bold attribute, this bold attribute will also apply to adjacent cells. Cells that already have a special format will not be modified by this function. You can see the range in question by pressing the Command Ctrl + * (multiplication sign on the number pad) shortcut. This format also applies to all new values inserted within this range. The normal default settings apply to cells outside this range. Expand references when new columns/rows are inserted Specifies whether to expand references when inserting columns or rows adjacent to the reference range. This is only possible if the reference range, where the column or row is inserted, originally spanned at least two cells in the desired direction. Example: If the range A1:B1 is referenced in a formula and you insert a new column after column B, the reference is expanded to A1:C1. If the range A1:B1 is referenced and a new row is inserted under row 1, the reference is not expanded, since there is only a single cell in the vertical direction. If you insert rows or columns in the middle of a reference area, the reference is always expanded. Highlight selection in column/row headings Specifies whether to highlight column and row headers in the selected columns or rows. Use printer metrics for text formatting Specifies that printer metrics are applied for printing and also for formatting the display on the screen. If this box is not checked, a printer independent layout will be used for screen display and printing. Show overwrite warning when pasting data Specifies that, when you paste cells from the clipboard to a cell range that is not empty, a warning appears.