Printing Presentations/text/simpress/guide/printing.xhpprinting; presentationsslides; printingnotes; printing in presentationsoutlines; printingpresentations; printingtiled printing of slideschanging;layout for handoutshandout printinglayout;printing handoutsMW made "handouts;.." a one level entry and added "layout;..."Printing Presentations
Default printer settingsTo set the default printing options for $[officename] Impress, choose Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Impress - Print.Setting printer options for the current presentationChoose File - Print.Click the %PRODUCTNAME Impress or the Options tab page, and then select the printer options.These settings override the default printer options in Tools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Impress - Print for the current print job only.Choosing a print layout for handoutsChoose File - Print.On the General tab page of the Print dialog, select the "Handouts" entry from the Document listbox.Select the number of slides to print per page of paper.Defining print options for handoutsClick the Handout tab.Choose Insert - Page Number to open the Header and Footer dialog box.Click Notes and Handouts to enter the header and footer text for handouts.You see four areas on this dialog with check boxes for Header, Date and time, Footer, and Page number. These four areas correspond to the four areas in the corners of the handout master view.Enter text for header, footer, and date. Check the Page number box, if you want to number the handout pages. Ensure the Header check box is enabled if you want your header text to be printed.Click Apply to All.The fields in the handout master view on screen are not updated, but the text that you entered will be printed.Printing handouts or notesChoose File - Print.Click the Document listbox and select the type of contents to print.Select Handouts or Notes and select the number of slides to print on each page of paper.If you want another layout of the slides on the printed paper pages, use the mouse to move the slides around on the Handout view.Printing a range of slidesChoose View - Slide Sorter.Hold down Shift, and click the range of slides that you want to print.Choose File - Print.In the Range and Copies area, click Slides.Enter the slide numbers you want to print, and click OK.