#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This script is used to generate the convertfilters.xhp file located # in helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide. # # Run this script followed by the path of instdir/share/registry/ # i.e.: ./convertfilters.py /path/to/source/core/instdir/share/registry # # Requires Python 3.6 or greater. import os import sys import random import time from math import floor from lxml import etree output_file_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "convertfilters.xhp") try: registry_dir = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: print("Usage: ./convertfilters.py /path/to/source/core/instdir/share/registry") sys.exit(1) if not os.path.exists(registry_dir): print(f"{registry_dir} does not exist. Make sure you have built the core repo before running this script") sys.exit(1) modules = ["writer.xcd","calc.xcd","impress.xcd","draw.xcd","math.xcd","base.xcd","graphicfilter.xcd","pdfimport.xcd","xsltfilter.xcd"] def gen_id(apiname): '''This function accepts module name and an API Name of the filter, and then generate a unique ID. API Names are used since they are unique within the page. Do not use random numbers or sequence-count numbers here since it will cause all words to be "fuzzy" in PO files when the xhp file is regenerated. ''' apiname = apiname.replace(" ", "_") apiname = apiname.replace("(", "_") apiname = apiname.replace(")", "_") apiname = apiname.replace("/", "_") return apiname output = ''' File Conversion Filters Tables /text/shared/guide/convertfilters.xhp
filters;document conversion document conversion;filters convert-to;filters command line document conversion;filters module file filters

File Conversion Filter Names

Tables with filter names for command line document conversion.


Filter names are used when importing and exporting files in alien formats and converting files formats through the command line. soffice --convert-to OutputFileExtension[:OutputFilterName[:OutputFilterParams[,param]]] [--outdir output_dir] soffice --infilter="InputFilterName[:InputFilterParams[,param]]" --infilter="Text (encoded):UTF8,LF,Liberation Mono,en-US". ''' output += ''' Filter Name API Name Media Type (Extension) ''' for module in modules: print("\n-------" + module + "----------") module_path = os.path.join(registry_dir, module) tree = etree.parse(module_path) namespaces = tree.getroot().nsmap filternodes = tree.findall( 'oor:component-data[@oor:name="Filter"]/node', namespaces)[-1] filters = [] for filter_node in filternodes: uiname = str(filter_node.findtext('prop[@oor:name="UIName"]/value', namespaces=namespaces)) apiname = filter_node.attrib['{' + namespaces['oor'] + '}name'] filter_type = str(filter_node.findtext('prop[@oor:name="Type"]/value', namespaces=namespaces)) type_node = tree.find( f'oor:component-data[@oor:name="Types"]/node/node[@oor:name="{filter_type}"]', namespaces) try: mediatype = str(type_node.findtext('prop[@oor:name="MediaType"]/value', namespaces=namespaces)) extensions = str(type_node.findtext('prop[@oor:name="Extensions"]/value', namespaces=namespaces)) except AttributeError: continue filter_data = [uiname, apiname, mediatype, extensions] print(filter_data) filters.append(filter_data) output += f'\
\n\ \n\ command line document conversion; filters for {module[:-4].upper()}\n\ \n\

Filters for {module[:-4].upper()}

\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ ' for item in filters: uid = gen_id(item[1]) output += f'\ \n\ \n\ {item[0]}\n\ \n\ \n\ "{item[1]}"\n\ \n\ \n\ {item[2]} ({item[3]})\n\ \n\ \n' output += f'\
\n' output += f'\ \n\
' with open(output_file_path, "w") as f: f.write(output) print(f'\nDone. File saved at: {output_file_path}.') print(f'Please move this file into helpcontent2/source/text/shared/guide.')