#!/usr/bin/perl # # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed # with this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache # License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . # use File::Find; use File::Basename; # creates the help2 makefile for a given # directory including all help xhp files # in that and the subordinate directories # Only help files with the following # # status values are included: # PUBLISH DEPRECATED # # The following status values are # disregarded: # DRAFT FINAL STALLED $makefiletemplate = 'helpers/makefile.template'; $linkmakefiletemplate = 'helpers/linkmakefile.template'; $prj = "helpcontent2"; $helpdirprefix = "$prj/source/"; undef @sbasic; undef @scalc; undef @schart; undef @sdraw; undef @shared; undef @simpress; undef @smath; undef @swriter; $params = join "|", "",@ARGV,""; ($params =~ /-dir/) ? ($startdir = $params) =~ (s/.*-dir=([^\|]*).*$/$1/gs) : (($startdir = `pwd`) =~ s/\n//gs); ($startdir = $startdir."/source/text") if ($startdir =~ /$prj$/); ($params =~ /-linkdir/) ? ($linkdir = $params) =~ (s/.*-linkdir=([^\|]*).*$/$1/gs) : (($linkdir = `pwd`) =~ s/\n//gs); ($linkdir = $linkdir."/util") if ($linkdir =~ /$prj$/); $recursive = $params =~ /-recursive/ || 0; $all = $params =~ /-all/ || 0; if (open TMPL, $makefiletemplate) { undef $/; $tmpl = ; close TMPL; } else { &terminate("Cannot open $makefiletemplate"); } if (open LINKTMPL, $linkmakefiletemplate) { undef $/; $linktmpl = ; close LINKTMPL; } else { &terminate("Cannot open $linkmakefiletemplate"); } print "Start Directory: $startdir\n"; print "Link Directory : $linkdir\n"; print "Recursive : ". ($recursive ? "yes" : "no") . "\n"; print "All files : ". ($all ? "yes" : "no") . "\n"; if ($recursive) { find(sub{push @dirs, $File::Find::name if (-d and ($File::Find::name!~/\/CVS/));},$startdir); } else { push @dirs, $startdir; } #print join "\n", @dirs; #die; for $d(@dirs) { opendir DIR, $d; @files = grep {/xhp$/} readdir DIR; undef @files2; closedir DIR; ($helpdir = $d) =~ s/.*\/$helpdirprefix/source\//gis; ($package = $helpdir) =~ s/^source\///gi; ($target = $package) =~ s/\//_/g; $target =~ s/_$//; ($module = $package) =~ s/^\/*text\/([^\/]+)\/*.*$/$1/; for $f(@files) { ($n,$p,$e) = fileparse($f,".xhp"); if (not $all) { if (open XML, $d.'/'.$f) { undef $/; ($status = ) =~ s/.*]*status="([^"]*)"[^>]*>.*$/$1/gs; close XML; } else { die "Error: Cannot open ${d}/$f:$!\n"; } if ($status =~ /(DEPRECATED|PUBLISH)/i) { ($p2=$package) =~ s,/,\$/,gis; push @{$module}, $p2.'$/'.$n.'.xhp'; push @files2, ' '.$n.'.xhp '; } } else { ($p2=$package) =~ s,/,\$/,gis; push @{$module}, $p2.'$/'.$n.'.xhp'; push @files2, ' '.$n.'.xhp '; } } printf "%s: %4d files, %4d included in makefile -> ",$d,scalar @files,scalar @files2; if (scalar @files2 > 0) { # don't write makefiles where there are no files to make ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time); $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/' x ((split "/", $helpdir) -1); $prj = $prj . ".."; $xhpfiles = join "\\\n", sort @files2; ($makefile = $tmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; if (open(MK, ">$d/makefile.mk")) { print MK $makefile; close MK; print "makefile created\n"; } else { &terminate("Cannot write to ${d}/makefile.mk\n"); } } else { print "NO makefile created\n"; } } @sbasic = sort @sbasic; @schart = sort @schart; @scalc = sort @scalc; @shared = sort @shared; @sdraw = sort @sdraw; @simpress = sort @simpress; @smath = sort @smath; @swriter = sort @swriter; # now create the link makefiles #---------------------------------- # sbasic $module = "sbasic"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@sbasic) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------------- # scalc $module = "scalc"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@scalc) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@schart) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #-------------------------------- # schart $module = "schart"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@schart) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------ # sdraw $module = "sdraw"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@sdraw) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@simpress) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@schart) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------------- # shared $module = "shared"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip \\ -add default.css \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/default.css \\ -add highcontrast1.css \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrast1.css \\ -add highcontrast2.css \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrast2.css \\ -add highcontrastwhite.css \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrastwhite.css \\ -add highcontrastblack.css \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrastblack.css \\ -add err.html \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/text\$/shared\$/05\$/err_html.xhp LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip \\ \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/default.css \\ \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrast1.css \\ \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrast2.css \\ \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrastwhite.css \\ \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/highcontrastblack.css \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/text\$/shared\$/05\$/err_html.xhp LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------- # simpress $module = "simpress"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@sdraw) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@simpress) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@schart) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------------- # smath $module = "smath"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@smath) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------- # swriter $module = "swriter"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.tree \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONMISC)\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.tree \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@swriter) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } for (@schart) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); #------------------------------- # sdatabase $module = "sdatabase"; $linkaddedfiles = <<"LAF"; -add $module.cfg \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ -add $module.jar \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAF $linkaddeddeps = <<"LAD"; \$(PRJ)\$/source\$/auxiliary\$/LANGUAGE\$/$module.cfg \\ \$(COMMONBIN)\$/xhp_${module}_LANGUAGE.zip LAD $linklinkfiles = ''; for (@shared) { $linklinkfiles = $linklinkfiles . " $_ \\\n"; } $auth = "script"; $date = sprintf "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$year+1900,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec; $prj = '..$/..' ; ($linkmakefile = $linktmpl) =~ s/%([^%]*)%/$$1/gise; # remove zip1 targets $linkmakefile =~ s,\n(ZIP1LIST=.*)\n,\nZIP1LIST=\$(LANGDIR)\$/text\$/shared\$/explorer\$/database\$/main.xhp\n,gi; &writelinkmakefile($module,$linkmakefile); print "sbasic: $#sbasic\n"; print "scalc : $#scalc\n"; print "schart: $#schart\n"; print "sdraw : $#sdraw\n"; print "shared: $#shared\n"; print "simpr : $#simpress\n"; print "smath : $#smath\n"; print "swrit : $#swriter\n"; print "sdbase: $#sdatabase\n"; sub terminate { $err = shift; print "$err\n\n"; $msg = <<"MSG"; createmakefile.pl -dir=[directory name] -linkdir=[directory name] [-recursive] [-all] -dir Directory to start -linkdir Directory to write the link makefiles -recursive Write makefiles recursively -all include files with all status values MSG die "$msg\n"; } sub writelinkmakefile { $module = shift; $content = shift; if (open(MK, ">$linkdir/$module/makefile.mk")) { print MK $content; close MK; } else { &terminate("Cannot write makefile to ${linkdir}/$module\n"); } } contract57l LibreOffice 核心代码仓库文档基金会
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