<!-- * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . --> <!-- Version 03-Feb-2006 added optional localize attribute to images Version 06-Jun-2017 Made xml-lang optional (#IMPLIED) Version Nov 2018 Added extensions: H1, .. H6, menuitem, keycode, literal input, widget, note, tip, warning --> <!ELEMENT ahelp (#PCDATA | embedvar | br | comment | emph | sub | sup | item | link | switchinline | variable)*> <!ATTLIST ahelp hid CDATA #REQUIRED visibility (hidden | visible) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT alt (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST alt xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT bascode (paragraph+)> <!ELEMENT pycode (paragraph+)> <!ELEMENT body (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | section | paragraph | table | comment | bookmark | switch | embed | list | sort | bascode | pycode | note | warning |tip)*> <!ELEMENT bookmark (bookmark_value)*> <!ATTLIST bookmark branch CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT bookmark_value (#PCDATA | embedvar)*> <!ELEMENT br EMPTY> <!ELEMENT caption (#PCDATA | embedvar | br | emph | sub | sup | item | link | switchinline | variable)*> <!ATTLIST caption xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT case (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | note | warning |tip | paragraph | table | comment | bookmark | embed | link | list | switch | section | sort | bascode | pycode)*> <!ATTLIST case select CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT caseinline (#PCDATA | image | embedvar | br | emph | sub | sup | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | object | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST caseinline select CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT comment (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT created (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST created date CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT default (h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | note | warning |tip | paragraph | table | comment | bookmark | embed | link | list | switch | section | sort | bascode | pycode)*> <!ELEMENT defaultinline (#PCDATA | image | embedvar | br | emph | sub | sup | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | object | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ELEMENT embed EMPTY> <!ATTLIST embed href CDATA #REQUIRED role CDATA #IMPLIED level CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT embedvar EMPTY> <!ATTLIST embedvar href CDATA #REQUIRED markup (keep | ignore) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT emph (#PCDATA | item | comment | help-id-missing)*> <!ELEMENT menuitem (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT keycode (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT input (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT literal (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT widget (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT sub (#PCDATA | item | comment | help-id-missing)*> <!ELEMENT sup (#PCDATA | item | comment | help-id-missing)*> <!ELEMENT filename (#PCDATA)> <!ELEMENT h1 (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST h1 id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT h2 (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST h2 id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT h3 (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST h3 id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT h4 (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST h4 id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT h5 (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST h5 id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT h6 (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST h6 id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT helpdocument (meta, body)> <!ATTLIST helpdocument version CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT history (created)> <!ELEMENT image (caption* | alt+)?> <!ATTLIST image src CDATA #REQUIRED width CDATA #IMPLIED height CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT item (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST item type CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT link (#PCDATA | embedvar | emph | sub | sup | item | variable | switchinline | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST link href CDATA #REQUIRED name CDATA #IMPLIED type CDATA #IMPLIED target CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT list (listitem | (comment)*)+> <!ATTLIST list type CDATA #REQUIRED startwith CDATA #IMPLIED format (1 | i | I | a | A) #IMPLIED bullet (disc | circle | square) #IMPLIED sorted (asc | desc) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT listitem (comment | section | paragraph | table | switch | embed | bookmark)*> <!ATTLIST listitem format (1 | i | I | a | A) #IMPLIED bullet (disc | circle | square) #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT meta (topic, history?)> <!ELEMENT object EMPTY> <!ATTLIST object type CDATA #REQUIRED id CDATA #REQUIRED data CDATA #REQUIRED height CDATA #IMPLIED width CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT paragraph (#PCDATA | image | comment | embedvar | br | emph | sub | sup | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | object | bookmark | menuitem | input | keycode | literal | widget | help-id-missing)*> <!ATTLIST paragraph role CDATA #REQUIRED level CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED l10n CDATA #IMPLIED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED oldref CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT section (section | h1 | h2 | h3 | h4 | h5 | h6 | paragraph | table | list | comment | bookmark | embed | switch | sort | bascode | pycode | note |warning | tip)*> <!ATTLIST section id CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT sort (section+)> <!ATTLIST sort order (asc | desc) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT switch ((case | comment)* | default?)*> <!ATTLIST switch select (sys | appl | distrib | target | lang | ver) #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT switchinline ((caseinline)+, (defaultinline?)?)> <!ATTLIST switchinline select (sys | appl | distrib | target | ver | lang) #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT table (caption*, tablerow+)> <!ATTLIST table name CDATA #IMPLIED width CDATA #IMPLIED height CDATA #IMPLIED unit CDATA #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED > <!ELEMENT tablecell (section | paragraph | comment | embed | bookmark | image | list | bascode | pycode)*> <!ATTLIST tablecell colspan CDATA #IMPLIED rowspan CDATA #IMPLIED width CDATA #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED unit CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT tablerow (tablecell+)> <!ATTLIST tablerow height CDATA #IMPLIED class CDATA #IMPLIED unit CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)> <!ATTLIST title xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED id CDATA #REQUIRED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT topic (title+, filename, bookmark*)> <!ATTLIST topic id CDATA #REQUIRED indexer (exclude | include) #IMPLIED status (DRAFT | FINAL | PUBLISH | STALLED | DEPRECATED) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT variable (#PCDATA | ahelp | embedvar | br | emph | sub | sup | item | link | variable | image | object | switchinline | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST variable id CDATA #REQUIRED visibility (hidden | visible) #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT note (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST note id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT tip (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST tip id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT warning (#PCDATA | comment | embedvar | br | emph | item | link | switchinline | variable | ahelp | bookmark | keycode | menuitem | input | literal | widget)*> <!ATTLIST warning id CDATA #REQUIRED xml-lang CDATA #IMPLIED localize CDATA #IMPLIED > <!ELEMENT help-id-missing EMPTY>