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===                      The Access2Base library is a part of the LibreOffice project.                          ===
===                      Full documentation is available on http://www.access2base.com                          ===

	Access2Base is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

	Access2Base is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either (at your option):

	1) The Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not
	distributed with this file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/ .

	2) The GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version. If a copy of the LGPL was not
	distributed with this file, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .

<helpdocument version="1.0">
 <topic id="textsbasicsharedA2B001xml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
  <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">Access2Base</title>
  <created date="2013-11-01T00:00:00">Access2Base topic first insertion, by Jean-Pierre Ledure</created>
 <bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_idA2B001"><bookmark_value>Access2Base</bookmark_value>
 <paragraph role="heading" id="hd_idA2B002" xml-lang="en-US" level="1">Access2Base</paragraph>
 <paragraph role="heading" id="hd_idA2B003" xml-lang="en-US" level="2">What is Access2Base ?</paragraph>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_idA2B004" xml-lang="en-US">Access2Base is a LibreOffice Basic library of macros for (business or personal) application developers and advanced users. It is one of the libraries stored in "LibreOffice macros and dialogs".</paragraph>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_idA2B005" xml-lang="en-US">The provided macros implement functionalities, all directly inspired by Microsoft Access. The macros are callable from a LibreOffice <emph>Base</emph> application only.</paragraph>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_idA2B006" xml-lang="en-US">The API provided by Access2Base is intended to be more concise, intuitive and easy to learn than the standard UNO API (API = Application Programming Interface).</paragraph>
 <paragraph role="warning" id="par_idA2B007" xml-lang="en-US"><emph>The library is documented online on </emph><link href="http://www.access2base.com" name="http://www.access2base.com"><emph>http://www.access2base.com</emph></link></paragraph>
 <paragraph role="heading" id="hd_idA2B008" xml-lang="en-US" level="2">The implemented macros include:</paragraph>
 <list type="ordered" format="1">
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B009" xml-lang="en-US">a simplified and extensible API for <emph>forms</emph>, <emph>dialogs</emph> and <emph>controls</emph> manipulations similar with the MSAccess object model</paragraph>
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B010" xml-lang="en-US">an API for database access with the <emph>table</emph>, <emph>query</emph>, <emph>recordset</emph> and <emph>field</emph> objects</paragraph>
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B011" xml-lang="en-US">a number of <emph>actions</emph> with a syntax identical to their corresponding MSAccess macros/actions</paragraph>
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B012" xml-lang="en-US">the <emph>DLookup</emph>, <emph>DSum</emph>, ... database functions</paragraph>
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B013" xml-lang="en-US">the support of the shortcut notations like <item type="literal">Forms!myForm!myControl</item></paragraph>
 <paragraph role="paragraph" id="par_idA2B014" xml-lang="en-US">+</paragraph>
 <list type="ordered" format="1" startwith="6">
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B015" xml-lang="en-US">a consistent errors and exceptions handler</paragraph>
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B016" xml-lang="en-US">facilities for programming form, dialog and control <emph>events</emph></paragraph>
   <paragraph role="listitem" id="par_idA2B017" xml-lang="en-US">the support of both embedded forms and standalone (Writer) forms</paragraph>
  <paragraph role="heading" id="hd_idA2B018" xml-lang="en-US" level="2">Compare Access2Base with MSAccess VBA</paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B019" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">REM Open a form ... </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B020" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          OpenForm("myForm") </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B021" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">REM Move a form to new left-top coordinates ... </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B022" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          Dim ofForm As Object		' In VBA =>		Dim ofForm As Form </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B023" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          Set ofForm = Forms("myForm") </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B024" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          ofForm.Move(100, 200) </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B025" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">REM Get the value of a control ... </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B026" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          Dim ocControl As Object </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B027" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          ocControl = ofForm.Controls("myControl") </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B028" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          MsgBox ocControl.Value </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B029" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">REM Hide a control ... </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B030" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          ocControl.Visible = False </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B031" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">REM ... or alternatively ... </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B032" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">          setValue("Forms!myForm!myControl.Visible", False)	'    Shortcut notation </paragraph>
   <paragraph role="bascode" id="hd_idA2B033" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false">			' In VBA => 	Forms!myForm!myControl.Visible = False </paragraph>