SFDatabases.Database service /text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_database.xhp
Database service

SFDatabases.Database service

The Database service provides access to databases either embedded or described in Base documents. This service provides methods to: Get access to data in database tables. Run SELECT queries and perform aggregate functions. Run SQL action statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc.
Each instance of the Database service represents a single database and gives access to its tables, queries and data. This service does not provide access to forms or reports in the Base document that contains the database. To access forms in a Base document, refer to the method FormDocuments of the Base service. All exchanges between this service and the database are done using SQL only. SQL statements may be run in direct or indirect mode. In direct mode the statement is transferred to the database engine without any syntax checking or review. The provided interfaces include simple tables and queries lists, as well as access to database data. To make SQL statements more readable, you may use square brackets "[ ]" to enclose names of tables, queries and fields instead of using other enclosing characters that may be exclusive to certain Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). But beware that enclosing characters are mandatory in this context.

Service invocation

Before using the Database service the ScriptForge library needs to be loaded or imported: To create a instance of the Database service you can use the CreateScriptService method: CreateScriptService("SFDatabases.Database", [filename: str], [registrationname], [readonly], [user, [password]]): svc In the syntax described above you can use either "SFDatabases.Database" or simply "Database" as the first argument of the CreateScriptService method. filename: The name of the Base file. Must be expressed using SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation. registrationname: The name of a registered database. If filename is provided, this argument should not be used. Conversely, if a registrationname is specified, the filename parameter should not be defined. readonly: Determines if the database will be opened as readonly (Default = True). user, password: Additional connection parameters to the database server. GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("ScriptForge") Dim myDatabase as Object Set myDatabase = CreateScriptService("Database", "/home/user/Documents/myDB.odb") ' Run queries, SQL statements, ... myDatabase.CloseDatabase() from scriptforge import CreateScriptService myDatabase = CreateScriptService("Database", "/home/user/Documents/myDB.odb") # Run queries, SQL statements, ... myDatabase.CloseDatabase()

Accessing Databases with the UI Service

It is also possible to access the database associated with a Base document using the ScriptForge.UI service, as shown in the examples below: Dim myDoc As Object, myDatabase As Object, ui As Object Set ui = CreateScriptService("UI") Set myDoc = ui.OpenBaseDocument("/home/user/Documents/myDB.odb") ' User and password are supplied below, if needed Set myDatabase = myDoc.GetDatabase() ' Run queries, SQL statements, ... myDatabase.CloseDatabase() myDoc.CloseDocument() ui = CreateScriptService("UI") doc = ui.OpenBaseDocument("/home/user/Documents/myDB.odb") # User and password are supplied below, if needed myDatabase = doc.GetDatabase() # Run queries, SQL statements, ... myDatabase.CloseDatabase() doc.CloseDocument() The GetDatabase method used in the example above is part of ScriptForge's Base service. Database Service;Queries Database Service;Tables


Name Readonly Type Description Queries Yes Array of strings The list of stored queries. Tables Yes Array of strings The list of stored tables. XConnection Yes XConnection The UNO object representing the current database connection. XMetaData Yes XDatabaseMetaData The UNO object representing the metadata describing the database system attributes.
List of Methods in the Database Service CloseDatabase


CloseDatabase ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;CloseDatabase


Closes the current database connection. db.CloseDatabase() myDatabase.CloseDatabase() ' Basic myDatabase.CloseDatabase() # Python
DFunctions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;DAvg Database Service;DCount Database Service;DMax Database Service;DMin Database Service;DSum

DAvg, DCount, DMin, DMax, DSum

Computes the given aggregate function on a field or expression belonging to a table. Optionally, a SQL WHERE clause can be specified as a filter that will be applied prior to the aggregate function. db.DAvg(expression: str, tablename: str, [criteria: str]): any db.DCount(expression: str, tablename: str, [criteria: str]): any db.DMin(expression: str, tablename: str, [criteria: str]): any db.DMax(expression: str, tablename: str, [criteria: str]): any db.DSum(expression: str, tablename: str, [criteria: str]): any expression: A SQL expression in which the field names are surrounded with square brackets. tablename: A table name (without square brackets). criteria: A WHERE clause without the "WHERE" keyword, in which field names are surrounded with square brackets. The example below assumes the file Employees.odb has a table named EmployeeData. GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("ScriptForge") Dim myDB as Variant Set myDB = CreateScriptService("Database", "/home/user/Databases/Employees.odb") ' Counts the number of employees in the table MsgBox myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData") ' Returns the sum of all salaries in the table MsgBox myDB.DSum("[Salary]", "EmployeeData") ' Below are some examples of how tables can be filtered MsgBox myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData", "[Position] = 'Manager'") MsgBox myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData", "[Position] = 'Sales' AND [City] = 'Chicago'") MsgBox myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData", "[FirstName] LIKE 'Paul%'") myDB = CreateScriptService("Database", "/home/user/Databases/Employees.odb") bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") bas.MsgBox(myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData")) bas.MsgBox(myDB.DSum("[Salary]", "EmployeeData")) bas.MsgBox(myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData", "[Position] = 'Manager'")) bas.MsgBox(myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData", "[Position] = 'Sales' AND [City] = 'Chicago'")) bas.MsgBox(myDB.DCount("[ID]", "EmployeeData", "[FirstName] LIKE 'Paul%'"))
DLookup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;DLookup


Computes a SQL expression on a single record returned by a WHERE clause defined by the Criteria parameter. If the query returns multiple records, only the first one is considered. Use the OrderClause parameter to determine how query results are sorted. db.DLookup(expression: str, tablename: str, [criteria:str], [orderclause: str]): any expression: A SQL expression in which the field names are surrounded with square brackets. tablename: A table name (without square brackets). criteria: A WHERE clause without the "WHERE" keyword, in which field names are surrounded with square brackets. orderclause: An ORDER BY clause without the "ORDER BY" keywords. Field names should be surrounded with square brackets. MsgBox myDB.DLookup("[FirstName]", "EmployeeData", Criteria := "[LastName] LIKE 'Smith'", OrderClause := "[FirstName] DESC") MsgBox myDB.DLookup("[Salary]", "EmployeeData", Criteria := "[ID] = '3'") MsgBox myDB.DLookup("[Quantity] * [Value]", "Sales", Criteria := "[SaleID] = '5014'") bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") bas.MsgBox(myDB.DLookup("[FirstName]", "EmployeeData", criteria = "[LastName] LIKE 'Smith'", orderclause = "[FirstName] DESC")) bas.MsgBox(myDB.DLookup("[Salary]", "EmployeeData", criteria = "[ID] = '3'")) bas.MsgBox(myDB.DLookup("[Quantity] * [Value]", "Sales", criteria = "[SaleID] = '5014'"))
GetRows ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;GetRows


Stores the contents of a table or the results of a SELECT query or of an SQL statement in a two-dimensional array. The first index in the array corresponds to the rows and the second index refers to the columns. An upper limit can be specified to the number of returned rows. Optionally column names may be inserted in the first row of the array. The returned array will be empty if no rows are returned and the column headers are not required. db.GetRows(sqlcommand: str, directsql: bool = False, header: bool = False, maxrows: int = 0): any sqlcommand: A table or query name (without square brackets) or a SELECT SQL statement. directsql: When True, the SQL command is sent to the database engine without pre-analysis. Default is False. This argument is ignored for tables. For queries, the applied option is the one set when the query was defined. header: When True, the first row of the returned array contains the column headers. maxrows: The maximum number of rows to return. The default is zero, meaning there is no limit to the number of returned rows. Below are a few examples of how the GetRows method can be used: Dim queryResults as Variant ' Returns all rows in the table with column headers queryResults = myDB.GetRows("EmployeeData", Header := True) ' Returns the first 50 employee records ordered by the 'FirstName' field queryResults = myDB.GetRows("SELECT * FROM EmployeeData ORDER BY [FirstName]", MaxRows := 50) queryResults = myDB.GetRows("EmployeeData", header = True) queryResults = myDB.GetRows("SELECT * FROM EmployeeData ORDER BY [FirstName]", maxrows = 50)
OpenFormDocument ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database service;OpenFormDocument


Opens the specified form document in normal mode. This method returns a FormDocument service instance corresponding to the specified form document. If the form document is already open, the form document window is activated. If the specified form document does not exist, then Nothing is returned. svc.OpenFormDocument(formdocument: str): svc formdocument: The name of the FormDocument to be opened, as a case-sensitive string. Most form documents are stored in the root of the Base document and they can be opened simply using their names, as in the example below: Dim oFormDoc As Object oFormDoc = myDB.OpenFormDocument("myFormDocument") If form documents are organized in folders, it becomes necessary to include the folder name to specify the form document to be opened, as illustrated in the following example: oFormDoc = myDB.OpenFormDocument("myFolder/myFormDocument") formDoc = myDB.OpenFormDocument("myFormDocument") formDoc = myDB.OpenFormDocument("myFolder/myFormDocument")
OpenQuery ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;OpenQuery


Opens the Data View window of the specified query and returns an instance of the Datasheet service. If the query could not be opened, then Nothing is returned. db.OpenQuery(queryname: str): obj queryname: The name of an existing query as a case-sensitive String. myDatabase.OpenQuery("MyQuery") myDatabase.OpenQuery("MyQuery")
OpenSql --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;OpenSql


Runs a SQL SELECT command, opens a Data View window with the results and returns an instance of the Datasheet service. db.OpenSql(sql: str, directsql: bool): obj sql: A string containing a valid SQL SELECT statement. Identifiers may be enclosed by square brackets. directsql: When True, the SQL command is sent to the database engine without pre-analysis (Default = False). myDatabase.OpenSql("SELECT * FROM [Customers] ORDER BY [CITY]") myDatabase.OpenSql("SELECT * FROM [Customers] ORDER BY [CITY]")
OpenTable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;OpenTable


Opens the Data View window of the specified table and returns an instance of the Datasheet service. db.OpenTable(tablename: str): obj tablename: The name of an existing table as a case-sensitive String. myDatabase.OpenTable("MyTable") myDatabase.OpenTable("MyTable")
RunSql -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Service;RunSql


Executes an action query of an SQL statement such as creating a table, as well as inserting, updating and deleting records. The method returns True when successful. The RunSql method is rejected with an error message in case the database was previously opened in read-only mode. db.RunSql(sqlcommand: str, directsql: bool = False): bool sqlcommand: A query name (without square brackets) or a SQL statement. directsql: When True, the SQL command is sent to the database engine without pre-analysis. (Default = False). For queries, the applied option is the one set when the query was defined. myDatabase.RunSql("INSERT INTO [EmployeeData] VALUES(25, 'Smith', 'John')", DirectSQL := True) myDatabase.RunSql("INSERT INTO [EmployeeData] VALUES(25, 'Smith', 'John')", directsql = True)