SFDialogs.Dialog service/text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_dialog.xhpDialog service
SFDialogs.Dialog service
The Dialog service contributes to the management of dialogs created with the Basic Dialog Editor or dialogs created on-the-fly. Each instance of the current class represents a single dialog box displayed to the user.A dialog box can be displayed in modal or in non-modal modes.In modal mode, the box is displayed and the execution of the macro process is suspended until one of the OK or Cancel buttons is pressed. In the meantime, user actions executed on the box can trigger specific actions.In non-modal mode, the dialog box is "floating" on the user desktop and the execution of the macro process continues normally. A non-modal dialog closes when it is terminated with the Terminate() method or when the %PRODUCTNAME session ends. The window close button is inactive in non-modal dialogs.A dialog box disappears from memory after its explicit termination.The SFDialogs.Dialog service is closely related to the SFDialogs.DialogControl service.
Service invocation and usage
Before using the Dialog service the ScriptForge library needs to be loaded or imported:The Dialog service is invoked through the CreateScriptService method. It requires three supplemental positional arguments to specify the dialog box to activate:Container: "GlobalScope" for preinstalled libraries or a window name as defined by ScriptForge.UI service. Empty string "" default value stands for the current document.Library: The case-sensitive name of a library contained in the container. Default value is "Standard".DialogName: A case-sensitive string designating the dialog.The examples below in Basic and Python display the dlgConsole dialog that belongs to the ScriptForge shared library:Dim oDlg As Object, lButton As LongDim Container As String, Library As String, DialogName As StringSet oDlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog", "GlobalScope", "ScriptForge", "dlgConsole")'... controls initialization goes here...lButton = oDlg.Execute()'Default mode = ModalIf lButton = oDlg.OKBUTTON Then'... Process controls and do what is needed hereEnd IfoDlg.Terminate()Or using Python:dlg = CreateScriptService('SFDialogs.Dialog', 'GlobalScope', 'ScriptForge', 'dlgConsole')# ... controls initialization goes here...rc = dlg.Execute()# Default mode is Modalif rc == dlg.OKBUTTON: # ... Process controls and do what is needed heredlg.Terminate()Use the string "GlobalScope" as the container argument when the dialog is stored either in or in .The dialog service offers methods that create new controls dynamically in an existing dialog predefined with the Dialog Editor. A dialog is initialized with controls in the Dialog Editor and new controls can be added at run-time before or after the dialog Execute() statement.The Dialog service can equally be invoked - through the CreateScriptService method - when creating dialogs on-the-fly. It requires two supplemental positional arguments after the name of the ad-hoc service "NewDialog":DialogName: A case-sensitive string designating the dialog.Place: Window location of the dialog being either :a Basic Array or Python tuple with 4 elements: (X, Y, width, height)a com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle [X, Y, Width, Height] objectAll elements are expressed in Map AppFont units.Sub newDialog() Dim oDlg As Object oDlg = CreateScriptService("NewDialog", "myDialog1", Array(100,200, 40, 110)) ' ...End SubOr using Python:def newDialog(): dlg = CreateScriptService('NewDialog', 'myDialog1', (100,200, 40, 110)) # ... Process controls and do what is neededAll properties and methods applicable to predefined dialogs are available for such new dialogs. In particular the series of CreateXXX() methods for the addition
of new dialog controls.
Retrieving the Dialog instance that triggered a dialog event
An instance of the Dialog service can be retrieved via the SFDialogs.DialogEvent service, provided that the dialog was initiated with the Dialog service. In the example below, oDlg contains the Dialog instance that triggered the dialog event.Sub aDialogEventHander(ByRef poEvent As Object) Dim oDlg As Object Set oDlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.DialogEvent", poEvent) ' ...End SubOr using Python:def control_event_handler(event: uno): dlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.DialogEvent", event) # ...Note that in the previous examples, the prefix "SFDialogs." may be omitted when deemed appropriate.
Handling exceptions in event handlers
When creating an event handler for dialog events it is good practice to handle errors inside the subroutine itself. For instance, suppose the event handler below is called when the mouse button is pressed in the dialog window.Sub OnMouseButtonPressed(ByRef oEvent As Object)On Local Error GoTo Catch Dim oDialog As Object oDialog = CreateScriptService("DialogEvent", oEvent) ' Process the event Exit SubCatch: MsgBox SF_Exception.Description SF_Exception.ClearEnd SubCall SF_Exception.Clear if you do not want the error to propagate after the dialog execution ended.In Python use native try/except blocks for exception handling as shown below:def on_mouse_button_pressed(event=None): try: dlg = CreateScriptService("DialogEvent", event) # Process the event except Exception as e: # The object "bas" is an instance of the Basic service bas.MsgBox(str(e))
NameReadOnlyTypeDescriptionOKBUTTONYesIntegerValue = 1. An OK button was pressed.CANCELBUTTONYesIntegerValue = 0. A Cancel button was pressed.CaptionNoStringSpecify the title of the dialog.HeightNoLongSpecify the height of the dialog box.ModalYesBooleanSpecifies if the dialog box is currently in execution in modal mode.NameYesStringThe name of the dialogPageNoIntegerA dialog may have several pages that can be traversed by the user step by step. The Page property of the Dialog object defines which page of the dialog is active.VisibleNoBooleanSpecify if the dialog box is visible on the desktop. By default it is not visible until the Execute() method is run and visible afterwards.XDialogModelYesAPI;UnoControlDialogModelUNO objectThe UNO object representing the dialog model. Refer to XControlModel and UnoControlDialogModel in Application Programming Interface (API) documentation for detailed information.XDialogViewYesAPI;UnoControlDialogUNO objectThe UNO object representing the dialog view. Refer to XControl and UnoControlDialog in Application Programming Interface (API) documentation for detailed information.WidthNoLongSpecify the width of the dialog box.
Event properties
On… properties return a URI string with the reference to the script triggered by the event. On… properties can be set programmatically. Read its specification in the scripting framework URI specification.
NameRead/WriteBasic IDE DescriptionOnFocusGainedYesWhen receiving focusOnFocusLostYesWhen losing focusOnKeyPressedYesKey pressedOnKeyReleasedYesKey releasedOnMouseDraggedYesMouse moved while key pressesOnMouseEnteredYesMouse insideOnMouseExitedYesMouse outsideOnMouseMovedYesMouse movedOnMousePressedYesMouse button pressedOnMouseReleasedYesMouse button released
Assigning events via the Basic IDE and assigning events via macros are mutually exclusive.
List of Methods in the Dialog Service
Dimensioning a dialog is done by using Map AppFont units. A dialog or control model also uses AppFont units. While their views use pixels. Activate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;Activate
Set the focus on the current Dialog instance. Return True if focusing was successful.This method is called from a dialog or control event, or when a dialog is displayed in non-modal mode.svc.Activate(): boolDim oDlg As ObjectSet oDlg = CreateScriptService(,, "myDialog")oDlg.Execute()' ...oDlg.Activate()Python and %PRODUCTNAME Basic examples both assume that the dialog is stored in current document's Standard library.dlg = CreateScriptService(,,'myDialog')dlg.Execute()# ...dlg.Activate() Center -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;Center
Centers the current dialog instance in the middle of a parent window. Without arguments, the method centers the dialog in the middle of the current window.Returns True when successful.svc.Center(opt Parent: obj): boolParent: An optional object that can be either …a ScriptForge dialog objecta ScriptForge document (Calc, Base, ...) objectSub TriggerEvent(oEvent As Object) Dim oDialog1 As Object, oDialog2 As Object, lExec As Long Set oDialog1 = CreateScriptService("DialogEvent", oEvent) ' The dialog that caused the event Set oDialog2 = CreateScriptService("Dialog", ...) ' Open a second dialog oDialog2.Center(oDialog1) lExec = oDialog2.Execute() Select Case lExec ...End Subdef triggerEvent(event: uno): dlg1 = CreateScriptService('DialogEvent.Dialog', event) # The dialog having caused the event dlg2 = CreateScriptService('Dialog', ...) # Open a second dialog dlg2.Center(dlg1) rc = dlg2.Execute() if rc is False: # ... CloneControl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CloneControl
Duplicate an existing control of any type
in the actual dialog. The duplicated control is left unchanged and can be relocated.svc.CloneControl(SourceName: str, ControlName: str, Left: num, Top: num): svcSourceName: The name of the control to duplicate.ControlName: A valid control name as a case-sensitive string. It must not exist yet.Left, Top: The coordinates of the new control expressed in Map AppFont units.Set myButton2 = oDlg.CloneControl("Button1", "Button2", 30, 30)dlg = dlg.CloneControl('Button1', 'Button2', 30, 30) Controls -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;Controls
Return either:the list of the controls contained in the dialoga DialogControl class instance based on its namesvc.Controls(): str[0..*]svc.Controls(controlname: str): svcControlName : A valid control name as a case-sensitive string. If absent, the list of control names is returned as a zero-based array.Dim myDialog As Object, myList As Variant, myControl As ObjectSet myDialog = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog", , "Standard", "Dialog1")myList = myDialog.Controls()Set myControl = myDialog.Controls("myTextBox")dlg = CreateScriptService('SFDialogs.Dialog','', 'Standard', 'Dialog1')ctrls = dlg.Controls()ctrl = dlg.Controls('myTextBox') CreateButton------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateButton
Create a new control of type Button in the current dialog.svc.CreateButton(ControlName: str, Place: any, Toggle: bool = False, Push: str = ""): svcControlName: the name of the new control. It must not exist yet.Place: either …a Basic Array or Python tuple with 4 elements: (X, Y, width, height)a com.sun.star.awt.Rectangle [X, Y, Width, Height] objectAll elements are expressed in Map AppFont units.Toggle: when True a Toggle button is created. Default = FalsePush: "OK", "CANCEL" or "" (default)An instance of SFDialogs.DialogControl service or Nothing.Set myButton = oDlg.CreateButton("Button1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15))myButton = dlg.CreateButton('Button1', (20, 20, 60, 15)) CreateCheckBox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateCheckBox
Create a new control of type CheckBox in the current dialog.svc.CreateCheckBox(ControlName: str, Place: any, Multiline: bool = False): svcMultiLine: When True (default = False), the caption may be displayed on more than one line.Set myCheckBox = oDlg.CreateCheckBox("CheckBox1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine := True)myCheckBox = dlg.CreateCheckBox('CheckBox1', (20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine = True) CreateComboBox ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateComboBox
Create a new control of type ComboBox in the current dialog.svc.CreateComboBox(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", DropDown: bool = True, LineCount: num = 5): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"DropDown: When True (default), a drop down button is displayedLineCount: Specifies the maximum line count displayed in the drop down (default = 5)Set myComboBox = oDlg.CreateComboBox("ComboBox1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), Dropdown := True)myComboBox = dlg.CreateComboBox('ComboBox1', (20, 20, 60, 15), Dropdown = True) CreateCurrencyField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dialog service;CreateCurrencyField
Create a new control of type CurrencyField in the current dialog.svc.CreateCurrencyField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border ="3D", SpinButton: bool = False, MinValue: num = -1000000, MaxValue: num = +1000000, Increment: num = 1, Accuracy: num = 2): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"SpinButton: when True (default = False), a spin button is presentMinValue: the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Default = -1000000MaxValue: the largest value that can be entered in the control. Default = +1000000Increment: the step when the spin button is pressed. Default = 1Accuracy: specifies the decimal accuracy. Default = 2 decimal digitsSet myCurrencyField = oDlg.CreateCurrencyField("CurrencyField1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), SpinButton := True)myCurrencyField = dlg.CreateCurrencyField('CurrencyField1', (20, 20, 60, 15), SpinButton = True) CreateDateField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateDateField
Create a new control of type DateField in the current dialog.svc.CreateDateField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", DropDown: bool = False, opt MinDate: datetime, opt MaxDate: datetime): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"DropDown: when True (default = False), a dropdown button is shownMinDate: the smallest date that can be entered in the control. Default = 1900-01-01MaxDate: the largest date that can be entered in the control. Default = 2200-12-31Set myDateField = oDlg.CreateDateField("DateField1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), Dropdown := True)myDateField = dlg.CreateDateField('DateField1', (20, 20, 60, 15), Dropdown = True) CreateFileControl -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FileControl-- Dialog service;CreateFileControl
Create a new control of type FileControl in the current dialog.svc.CreateFileControl(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D"): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"Set myFileControl = oDlg.CreateFileControl("FileControl1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15))myFileControl = dlg.CreateFileControl('FileControl1', (20, 20, 60, 15)) CreateFixedLine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateFixedLine
Create a new control of type FixedLine in the current dialog.svc.CreateFixedLine(ControlName: str, Place: any, Orientation: str): svcOrientation: "H[orizontal]" or "V[ertical]".Set myFixedLine = oDlg.CreateFixedLine("FixedLine1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), Orientation := "vertical")myFixedLine = dlg.CreateFixedLine('FixedLine1', (20, 20, 60, 15), Orientation = 'vertical') CreateFixedText
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateFixedText
Create a new control of type FixedText in the current dialog.svc.CreateFixedText(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", MultiLine: bool = False, Align: str = "LEFT", VerticalAlign: str = "TOP"): svcBorder: "NONE" (default) or "FLAT" or "3D"Multiline: When True (default = False), the caption may be displayed on more than one lineAlign: horizontal alignment, "LEFT" (default) or "CENTER" or "RIGHT"VerticalAlign: vertical alignment, "TOP" (default) or "MIDDLE" or "BOTTOM"Set myFixedText = oDlg.CreateFixedText("FixedText1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine := True)myFixedText = dlg.CreateFixedText('FixedText1', (20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine = True) CreateFormattedField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateFormattedField
Create a new control of type FormattedField in the current dialog.svc.CreateFormattedField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", SpinButton: bool = False, MinValue: num = -1000000, MaxValue: num = +1000000): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"SpinButton: when True (default = False), a spin button is presentMinValue: the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Default = -1000000MaxValue: the largest value that can be entered in the control. Default = +1000000Set myFormattedField = oDlg.CreateFormattedField("FormattedField1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), SpinButton := True)myFormattedField = dlg.CreateFormattedField('FormattedField1', (20, 20, 60, 15), SpinButton = True) CreateGroupBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateGroupBox
Create a new control of type GroupBox in the current dialog.svc.CreateGroupBox(ControlName: str, Place: any): svcSet myGroupBox = oDlg.CreateGroupBox("GroupBox1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15))myGroupBox = dlg.CreateGroupBox('GroupBox1', (20, 20, 60, 15)) CreateHyperlink ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateHyperlink
Create a new control of type Hyperlink in the current dialog.svc.CreateHyperlink(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "NONE", MultiLine: bool = False, Align: str = "LEFT", VerticalAlign: str = "TOP"): svcBorder: "NONE" (default) or "FLAT" or "3D"MultiLine: When True (default = False), the caption may be displayed on more than one lineAlign: horizontal alignment, "LEFT" (default) or "CENTER" or "RIGHT"VerticalAlign: vertical alignment, "TOP" (default) or "MIDDLE" or "BOTTOM"Set myHyperlink = oDlg.CreateHyperlink("Hyperlink1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine := True)myHyperlink = dlg.CreateHyperlink('Hyperlink1', (20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine = True) CreateImageControl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateImageControl
Create a new control of type ImageControl in the current dialog.svc.CreateImageControl(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", Scale: str = "FITTOSIZE"): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"Scale: One of next values: "FITTOSIZE" (default), "KEEPRATIO" or "NO"Set myImageControl = oDlg.CreateImageControl("ImageControl1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15))myImageControl = dlg.CreateImageControl('ImageControl1", (20, 20, 60, 15)) CreateListBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateListBox
Create a new control of type ListBox in the current dialog.svc.CreateListBox(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", DropDown: bool = True, LineCount: num = 5, MultiSelect: bool = False): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"DropDown: When True (default), a drop down button is displayedLineCount: Specifies the maximum line count displayed in the drop down (default = 5)MultiSelect: When True, more than 1 entry may be selected. Default = FalseSet myListBox = oDlg.CreateListBox("ListBox1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), Dropdown := True, MultiSelect := True)myListBox = dlg.CreateListBox('ListBox1', (20, 20, 60, 15), Dropdown = True, MultiSelect = True) CreateNumericField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateNumericField
Create a new control of type NumericField in the current dialog.svc.CreateNumericField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", SpinButton: bool = False, MinValue: num = -1000000, MaxValue: num = 1000000, Increment: num = 1, Accuracy: num = 2): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"SpinButton: when True (default = False), a spin button is presentMinValue: the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Default = -1000000MaxValue: the largest value that can be entered in the control. Default = +1000000Increment: the step when the spin button is pressed. Default = 1Accuracy: specifies the decimal accuracy. Default = 2 decimal digitsSet myNumericField = oDlg.CreateNumericField("NumericField1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), SpinButton := True)myNumericField = dlg.CreateNumericField('NumericField1', (20, 20, 60, 15), SpinButton = True) CreatePatternField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreatePatternField
Create a new control of type PatternField in the current dialog.svc.CreatePatternField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", EditMask: str, opt LiteralMax: str): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"EditMask: a character code that determines what the user may enter Refer to Pattern_Field in the wiki for more information.LiteralMask: contains the initial values that are displayed in the pattern fieldSet myPatternField = oDlg.CreatePatternField("PatternField1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), EditMask := "NNLNNLLLLL", LiteralMask := "__.__.2002")myPatternField = dlg.CreatePatternField('PatternField1', (20, 20, 60, 15), EditMask = 'NNLNNLLLLL', LiteralMask = '__.__.2002') CreateProgressBar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateProgressBar
Create a new control of type ProgressBar in the current dialog.svc.CreateProgressBar(ControlName: str, opt Place: any, Border: str = "3D", MinValue: num = 0, MaxValue: num = 100): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"MinValue: the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Default = 0MaxValue: the largest value that can be entered in the control. Default = 100Set myProgressBar = oDlg.CreateProgressBar("ProgressBar1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), MaxValue := 1000)myProgressBar = dlg.CreateProgressBar('ProgressBar1', (20, 20, 60, 15), MaxValue = 1000) CreateRadioButton ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateRadioButton
Create a new control of type RadioButton in the current dialog.svc.CreateRadioButton(ControlName: str, Place: any, MultiLine: bool = False): svcMultiLine: When True (default = False), the caption may be displayed on more than one lineSet myRadioButton = oDlg.CreateRadioButton("RadioButton1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine := True)myRadioButton = dlg.CreateRadioButton('RadioButton1', (20, 20, 60, 15), MultiLine = True) CreateScrollBar ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateScrollBar
Create a new control of type ScrollBar in the current dialog.svc.CreateScrollBar(ControlName: str, Place, Orientation: str, Border: str = "3D", MinValue: num = 0, MaxValue: num = 100): svcOrientation: H[orizontal] or V[ertical]Border: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"MinValue: the smallest value that can be entered in the control. Default = 0MaxValue: the largest value that can be entered in the control. Default = 100Set myScrollBar = oDlg.CreateScrollBar("ScrollBar1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), MaxValue := 1000)myScrollBar = dialog.CreateScrollBar('ScrollBar1', (20, 20, 60, 15), MaxValue = 1000) CreateTableControl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dialog service;CreateTableControl
Create a new control of type TableControl in the current dialog.svc.CreateTableControl(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", RowHeaders: bool = True, ColumnHeaders: bool = True, ScrollBars: str = "N", GridLines: bool = False): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"RowHeaders: when True (default), the row Headers are shownColumnHeaders: when True (default), the column Headers are shownScrollBars: H[orizontal] or V[ertical] or B[oth] or N[one] (default). Scrollbars appear dynamically when they are needed.GridLines: when True (default = False) horizontal and vertical lines are painted between the grid cellsSet myTableControl = oDlg.CreateTableControl("TableControl1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15), ScrollBars := "B")myTableControl = dlg.CreateTableControl('TableControl1', (20, 20, 60, 15), ScrollBars = 'B') CreateTextField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateTextField
Create a new control of type TextField in the current dialog.svc.CreateTextField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", MultiLine: bool = False, MaximumLength: num = 0, PasswordCharacter: str = ""): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"MultiLine: When True (default = False), the caption may be displayed on more than one lineMaximumLength: the maximum character count (default = 0 meaning unlimited)PasswordCharacter: a single character specifying the echo for a password text field (default = "")Set myTextField = oDlg.CreateTextField("TextField1", Array(20, 20, 120, 50), MultiLine := True)myTextField = dlg.CreateTextField('TextField1', (20, 20, 120, 50), MultiLine = True) CreateTimeField ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateTimeField
Create a new control of type TimeField in the current dialog.svc.CreateTimeField(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border: str = "3D", MinTime: num = 0, MaxTime: num = 24): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"MinTime: the smallest time that can be entered in the control. Default = 0MaxTime: the largest time that can be entered in the control. Default = 24hSet myTimeField = oDlg.CreateTimeField("TimeField1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15))myTimeField = dlog.CreateTimeField('TimeField1', (20, 20, 60, 15)) CreateTreeControl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;CreateTreeControl
Create a new control of type TreeControl in the current dialog.svc.CreateTreeControl(ControlName: str, Place: any, Border = "3D"): svcBorder: "3D" (default) or "FLAT" or "NONE"Set myTreeControl = oDlg.CreateTreeControl("TreeControl1", Array(20, 20, 60, 15))myTreeControl = dlg.CreateTreeControl('TreeControl1', (20, 20, 60, 15)) EndExecute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;EndExecute
Ends the display of a modal dialog and gives back the argument as return value for the current Execute() running action.EndExecute() is usually contained in the processing of a macro triggered by a dialog or control event.svc.EndExecute(returnvalue: int)returnvalue: The value passed to the running Execute() method.Sub OnEvent(poEvent As com.sun.star.lang.EventObject) Dim oDlg As Object Set oDlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.DialogEvent", poEvent) oDlg.EndExecute(ReturnValue := 25)End Subfrom com.sun.star.lang import EventObjectdef on_event(event: EventObject): dlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.DialogEvent", event) dlg.EndExecute(25)Above com.sun.star.lang.EventObject mentions are optional. Such annotations help identify %PRODUCTNAME Application Programming Interface (API). Execute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;Execute
Display the dialog box and, when modal, wait for its termination by the user. The returned value is either:0 : Cancel button pressed1 : OK button pressedOtherwise the dialog stopped with an EndExecute() statement issued by a dialog or control eventFor non-modal dialog boxes the method always returns 0 and the execution of the macro continues.svc.Execute(modal: bool = True): intmodal: False when non-modal dialog. Default = True.In this Basic example myDialog dialog is stored in current document's Standard library.Dim oDlg As Object, lReturn As LongSet oDlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog", , , "myDialog")lReturn = oDlg.Execute(Modal := False)Select Case lReturn ' ...End SelectThis Python code displays DlgConvert modal dialog from Euro shared Basic library.dlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog", 'GlobalScope', 'Euro', "DlgConvert")rc = dlg.Execute()if rc == dlg.CANCELBUTTON: # ... GetTextsFromL10N -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;GetTextsFromL10N
Replaces all fixed text strings in a dialog by their translated versions based on a L10N service instance. This method translates the following strings:The method returns True if successful.To create a list of translatable strings in a dialog use the AddTextsFromDialog method from the L10N service.
svc.GetTextsFromL10N(l10n: svc): bool
l10n: A L10N service instance from which translated strings will be retrieved.The following example loads translated strings and applies them to the dialog "MyDialog".oDlg = CreateScriptService("Dialog", "GlobalScope", "Standard", "MyDialog")myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N", "/home/user/po_files/")oDlg.GetTextsFromL10N(myPO)oDlg.Execute()dlg = CreateScriptService("Dialog", "GlobalScope", "Standard", "MyDialog")myPO = CreateScriptService("L10N", "/home/user/po_files/")dlg.GetTextsFromL10N(myPO)dlg.Execute()Read the L10N service help page to learn more about how PO and POT files are handled. OrderTabs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;OrderTabs
Set the tabulation index of a series of controls. The sequence of controls are given as an array of control names from the first to the last.Controls with an index >= 1 are not accessible with the TAB key if: - they are omitted from the given list - their type is FixedLine, GroupBox or ProgressBar - they are disabledsvc.TabsList(TabsList: num, Start: num = 1, Increment: num = 1): boolTabsList: an array of valid control names in the order of tabulationStart: the tab index to be assigned to the 1st control in the list. Default = 1Increment: the difference between 2 successive tab indexes. Default = 1True when successful.oDlg.OrderTabs(Array("myListBox", "myTextField", "myNumericField"), Start := 10)dlg.OrderTabs(('myListBox', 'myTextField', 'myNumericField'), Start = 10) Resize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;Resize
Moves the topleft corner of a dialog to new coordinates and/or modify its dimensions. All distances are expressed in AppFont units. Without arguments, the method resets the initial dimensions. Return True if the resize was successful.svc.Resize(opt Left: num, opt Top: num, opt Width: num, opt Height: num): boolLeft: the horizontal distance from the top-left cornerTop: the vertical distance from the top-left cornerWidth: the width of the rectangle containing the dialogHeight: the height of the rectangle containing the dialogMissing arguments are left unchangedoDlg.Resize(1000, 2000, Height := 6000) ' Width is not changeddlg.Resize(1000, 2000, Height = 6000) # Width is not changed SetPageManager --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;SetPageManager
Defines which controls in a dialog are responsible for switching pages, making it easier to manage the Page property of a dialog and its controls.Dialogs may have multiple pages and the currently visible page is defined by the Page dialog property. If the Page property is left unchanged, the default visible page is equal to 0 (zero), meaning that no particular page is defined and all visible controls are displayed regardless of the value set in their own Page property.When the Page property of a dialog is changed to some other value such as 1, 2, 3 and so forth, then only the controls whose Page property match the current dialog page will be displayed.By using the SetPageManager method it is possible to define four types of page managers:List box or combo box: in this case, each entry in the list box or combo box corresponds to a page. The first item refers to Page 1, the second items refers to Page 2 and so on.Group of radio buttons: defines a group of radio buttons that will control which page is visible.Sequence of buttons: defines a set of buttons, each of which corresponding to a dialog page. This can be used to emulate a tabbed interface by placing buttons side by side in the dialog.Previous/Next buttons: defines which buttons in the dialog that will be used to navigate to the Previous/Next page in the dialog.It is possible to use more than one page management mechanism at the same time.This method is supposed to be called just once before calling the Execute method. Subsequent calls are ignored. If successful this method returns True.svc.SetPageManager(pilotcontrols: str = "", tabcontrols: str = "", wizardcontrols: str = "", opt lastpage: int): boolpilotcontrols: a comma-separated list of ListBox, ComboBox or RadioButton control names used as page managers. For RadioButton controls, specify the name of the first control in the group to be used.tabcontrols: a comma-separated list of button names that will be used as page managers. The order in which they are specified in this argument corresponds to the page number they are associated with.wizardcontrols: a comma-separated list with the names of two buttons that will be used as the Previous/Next buttons.lastpage: the number of the last available page. It is recommended to specify this value when using the Previous/Next page manager.Consider a dialog with three pages. The dialog has a ListBox control named "aPageList" that will be used to control the visible page. Additionally, there are two buttons named "btnPrevious" and "btnNext" that will be used as the Previous/Next buttons in the dialog.oDlg.SetPageManager(PilotControls := "aPageList", _ WizardControls := "btnPrevious,btnNext", _ LastPage := 3)oDlg.Execute()dlg.SetPageManager(pilotcontrols="aPageList", wizardcontrols="btnPrevious,btnNext", lastpage=3)dlg.Execute() Terminate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dialog service;Terminate
Terminate the Dialog service for the current instance. Return True if the termination was successful.svc.Terminate(): boolBelow Basic and Python examples open DlgConsole and dlgTrace non-modal dialogs. They are respectively stored in ScriptForge and Access2Base shared libraries. Dialog close buttons are disabled and explicit termination is performed at the end of a running process.In this example a button in DlgConsole is substituting inhibited window closing:oDlg = CreateScriptService("SFDialogs.Dialog","GlobalScope","ScriptForge","DlgConsole")oDlg.Execute(modal:=False)Wait 5000oDlg.Terminate()from time import sleepdlg = CreateScriptService('SFDialogs.Dialog',"GlobalScope",'Access2Base',"dlgTrace")dlg.Execute(modal=False)sleep 5dlg.Terminate()