SFWidgets.PopupMenu service/text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_popupmenu.xhpPopupMenu service
SFWidgets.PopupMenu service
The PopupMenu service can be used to create popup menus that can be associated with events or executed by scripts. This service provides the following capabilities:Creation of popup menus with custom entries, checkboxes and radio buttons.Decoration of menu items with icons and tooltips.
Service invocation
Before using the PopupMenu service the ScriptForge library needs to be loaded or imported:The PopupMenu service can be instantiated in multiple ways. The example below creates a popup menu without associating it with a mouse or application event.Sub ShowPopup GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.loadLibrary("ScriptForge") Dim myPopup As Object Set myPopup = CreateScriptService("SFWidgets.PopupMenu", , 300, 300) myPopup.AddItem("Item ~A") myPopup.AddItem("Item ~B") vResponse = myPopup.Execute() MsgBox("Selected item ID: " & vResponse) myPopup.Dispose()End SubRunning the Sub defined above will create a popup menu with two entries in the position X=300 and Y=300 on the screen.The prefix SFWidgets can be suppressed while invoking the PopupMenu service.The following example defines a Sub that can be associated with a mouse event:Sub MyPopupClick(Optional poMouseEvent as Object) Dim myPopup As Object Set myPopup = CreateScriptService("PopupMenu", poMouseEvent) ' Populate popupmenu with items Dim vResponse As Variant vResponse = myPopup.Execute(False) ' Do something based on vResponse ' ... myPopup.Dispose()End SubUse the Dispose method to free resources after executing the popup menu.It is also possible to associate a popup menu with events triggered by %PRODUCTNAME applications, form and dialog controls. Events such as "Mouse button pressed" and "Mouse button released" are commonly associated with popup menus.Sub MyPopupClick(Optional poEvent as Object) Dim myPopup As Object Set myPopup = CreateScriptService("PopupMenu", poEvent) ' ...End SubThe examples above can be written in Python as follows:from scriptforge import CreateScriptServicedef show_popup(args=None): my_popup = CreateScriptService("SFWidgets.PopupMenu", None, 300, 300) bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") my_popup.AddItem("Item ~A") my_popup.AddItem("Item ~B") response = my_popup.Execute() bas.MsgBox(f"Selected item ID: {response}") my_popup.Dispose()def my_popup_click(poEvent=None): my_popup = CreateScriptService("SFWidgets.PopupMenu", poEvent) # Populate popupmenu with items response = my_popup.Execute() # Do something based on response my_popup.Dispose()PopupService service;ShortcutCharacterPopupService service;SubmenuCharacter
NameReadonlyTypeDescriptionShortcutCharacterNoStringCharacter used to define the access key of a menu item. The default character is ~.SubmenuCharacterNoStringCharacter or string that defines how menu items are nested. The default character is >.
Menu and Submenus
To create a popup menu with submenus, use the character defined in the SubmenuCharacter property while creating the menu entry to define where it will be placed. For instance, consider the following menu/submenu hierarchy.' Item A' Item B > Item B.1' Item B.2' ------ (line separator)' Item C > Item C.1 > Item C.1.1' Item C.1.2' Item C > Item C.2 > Item C.2.1' Item C.2.2' ------ (line separator)' Item C.2.3' Item C.2.4The code below uses the default submenu character > to create the menu/submenu hierarchy defined above:myPopup.AddItem("Item A")myPopup.AddItem("Item B>Item B.1")myPopup.AddItem("Item B>Item B.2")myPopup.AddItem("---")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.1>Item C.1.1")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.1>Item C.1.2")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.2>Item C.2.1")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.2>Item C.2.2")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.2>---")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.2>Item C.2.3")myPopup.AddItem("Item C>Item C.2>Item C.2.4")The string --- is used to define separator lines in menus or submenus.
Using icons
Items in the menu can have icons, which are specified as arguments in the AddCheckBox, AddItem and AddRadioButton methods.All icons available in %PRODUCTNAME can be used by specifying their path relative to the folder where icon files are located in the installation folder. Icons are located in the following folder:INSTALLDIR/share/configUse the InstallFolder property of the FileSystem service to determine where %PRODUCTNAME is installed in your system.This folder contains a series of ZIP files containing the image files of each available icon set. The images inside these ZIP files are organized into folders. To use an icon, specify the icon file with the path to its location inside the ZIP file.The example below uses the icon "sc_newdoc.svg" that is located inside the "cmd" folder. The forward slash "/" character is used as the path separator regardless of the operating system.myMenu.AddItem("Item A", Icon := "cmd/sc_newdoc.svg")myMenu.AddItem("Item A", icon="cmd/sc_newdoc.svg")All icon sets have the same internal structure. The actual icon displayed depends on the icon set currently in use.
List of Methods in the PopupMenu Service
Inserts a check box in the popup menu. Returns an integer value that identifies the inserted item.
svc.AddCheckBox(menuitem: str, opt name: str, opt status: bool = False, opt icon: str, opt tooltip: str): int
menuitem: Defines the text to be displayed in the menu. This argument also defines the hierarchy of the item inside the menu by using the submenu character.name: String value to be returned when the item is clicked. By default, the last component of the menu hierarchy is used.status: Defines whether the item is selected when the menu is created (Default = False).icon: Path and name of the icon to be displayed without the leading path separator. The actual icon shown depends on the icon set being used.tooltip: Text to be displayed as tooltip.myPopup.AddCheckBox("Option A", Status := True)my_popup.AddCheckBox("Option A", status=True) AddItem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PopupMenu service;AddItem
Inserts a menu entry in the popup menu. Returns an integer value that identifies the inserted item.
svc.AddItem(menuitem: str, opt name: str, opt icon: str, opt tooltip: str): int
menuitem: Defines the text to be displayed in the menu. This argument also defines the hierarchy of the item inside the menu by using the submenu character.name: String value to be returned when the item is clicked. By default, the last component of the menu hierarchy is used.icon: Path and name of the icon to be displayed without the leading path separator. The actual icon shown depends on the icon set being used.tooltip: Text to be displayed as tooltip.myPopup.AddItem("Item A", Tooltip := "A descriptive message")my_popup.AddItem("Item A", tooltip = "A descriptive message") AddRadioButton --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PopupMenu service;AddRadioButton
Inserts a radio button entry in the popup menu. Returns an integer value that identifies the inserted item.
svc.AddRadioButton(menuitem: str, opt name: str, opt status: bool = False, opt icon: str, opt tooltip: str): int
menuitem: Defines the text to be displayed in the menu. This argument also defines the hierarchy of the item inside the menu by using the submenu character.name: String value to be returned when the item is clicked. By default, the last component of the menu hierarchy is used.status: Defines whether the item is selected when the menu is created (Default = False).icon: Path and name of the icon to be displayed without the leading path separator. The actual icon shown depends on the icon set being used.tooltip: Text to be displayed as tooltip.myPopup.AddRadioButton("Option A", Name := "A", Status := True)my_popup.AddRadioButton("Option A", name="A", status=True) Execute --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PopupMenu service;Execute
Displays the popup menu and waits for a user action. Returns the item clicked by the user.If the user clicks outside the popup menu or presses the Esc key, then no item is selected. In such cases, the returned value depends on the returnid parameter. If returnid = True and no item is selected, then the value 0 (zero) is returned. Otherwise an empty string "" is returned.
svc.Execute(opt returnid: bool = True): any
returnid: If True the selected item ID is returned. If False the method returns the item's name (Default = True).In the examples below, a popup menu is created and the item's name is returned because the returnid argument is set to False.myPopup.AddItem("Item A", Name := "A")myPopup.AddItem("Item B", Name := "B")Dim vResponse as VariantvResponse = myPopup.Execute(False)my_popup.AddItem("Item A", name="A")my_popup.AddItem("Item B", name="B")response = my_popup.Execute(False)