SFWidgets.ToolbarButton service /text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_toolbarbutton.xhp
ToolbarButton service

SFWidgets.ToolbarButton service

The ToolbarButton service allows to retrieve information related to the toolbar buttons available in a given toolbar. With this service it is possible to: Toggle the visibility of toolbar elements. Execute the command associated with a given toolbar button.

Service invocation

Before using the ToolbarButton service the ScriptForge library needs to be loaded or imported: The ToolbarButton service is invoked using the ToolbarButtons method from the Toolbar service. The example below retrieves the names of all buttons available in the Standard toolbar. oDoc = CreateScriptService("Document", ThisComponent) oToolbar = oDoc.Toolbars("standardbar") arrToolbarButtons = oToolbar.ToolbarButtons() MsgBox SF_String.Represent(arrToolbarButtons) Use the ToolbarButtons method without arguments to retrieve an array with all available toolbar button names. The example below toggles the visibility of the Print button in the Standard toolbar: oDoc = CreateScriptService("Document", ThisComponent) oToolbar = oDoc.Toolbars("standardbar") oToolbarButton = oToolbar.ToolbarButtons("Print") oToolbarButton.Visible = Not oToolbarButton.Visible The button name passed as argument to the ToolbarButtons method is the localized button name defined in the Tools - Customize - Toolbars dialog. Inactive toolbars do not have buttons. Therefore, calling the ToolbarButtons method will make the toolbar visible. bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") doc = CreateScriptService("Document", bas.ThisComponent) toolbar = doc.Toolbars("standardbar") arr_toolbar_buttons = toolbar.ToolbarButtons() bas.MsgBox(repr(arr_toolbar_buttons)) bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") doc = CreateScriptService("Document", bas.ThisComponent) toolbar = doc.Toolbars("standardbar") toolbar_button = toolbar.ToolbarButtons("Print") toolbar_button.Visible = not toolbar_button.Visible ToolbarButton service;Caption property ToolbarButton service;Height property ToolbarButton service;Index property ToolbarButton service;OnClick property ToolbarButton service;Parent property ToolbarButton service;TipText property ToolbarButton service;Visible property ToolbarButton service;Width property ToolbarButton service;X property ToolbarButton service;Y property


Name Readonly Type Description Caption Yes String Returns the name of the button. Height Yes Long Returns the height of the button, in pixels. Index Yes Long Returns the index of the button in its parent toolbar. OnClick No String The UNO command or script executed when the button is pressed. Read the Wiki page Scripting Framework URI Specification to learn more on how to define a URI string. Parent Yes Toolbar service Returns a Toolbar service instance corresponding to the parent toolbar of the current toolbar button. TipText No String Specifies the tooltip text shown when the user hovers over the toolbar button. Visible No Boolean Specifies whether the toolbar button is visible or not. Width Yes Long Returns the width of the button, in pixels. X Yes Long Returns the X (horizontal) coordinate of the top-left corner of the button, in pixels. Y Yes Long Returns the Y (vertical) coordinate of the top-left corner of the button, in pixels.

Use of ToolbarButton alongside the PopupMenu service

A common use case of the properties X and Y described above is to open a popup menu in the position where the toolbar button is located. Suppose you create the script below and associate it with a button named "My Button" in the standardbar. When it is clicked, a popup menu will be shown with 3 options for the user to select. Sub OpenPopupMenu() GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("ScriptForge") oDoc = CreateScriptService("Document", ThisComponent) oToolbar = oDoc.Toolbars("standardbar") oButton = oToolbar.ToolbarButtons("My Button") oPopup = CreateScriptService("SFWidgets.PopupMenu", , oButton.X, oButton.Y + oButton.Height) oPopup.AddItem("Item A", "A") oPopup.AddItem("Item B", "B") oPopup.AddItem("Item C", "C") strResponse = oPopup.Execute(False) MsgBox "Your choice: " & strResponse End Sub def open_popup_menu(args=None): bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") doc = CreateScriptService("Document", bas.ThisComponent) toolbar = doc.Toolbars("standardbar") toolbutton = toolbar.ToolbarButtons("My Button") popup = CreateScriptService("PopupMenu", None, toolbutton.X, toolbutton.Y + toolbutton.Height) popup.AddItem("Item A", "A") popup.AddItem("Item B", "B") popup.AddItem("Item C", "C") response = popup.Execute(False) bas.MsgBox(f"Your choice: {response}")
List of Methods in the ToolbarButton Service Execute
Execute -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ToolbarButton service;Execute


Executes the command or script associated with the toolbar button. This method returns the value returned by the command or script executed. Use the OnClick property to determine the command or script that shall be executed. If the command/script does not return any value, then Null is returned. svc.Execute(): any The example below executes the Print button from the Standard toolbar: oDoc = CreateScriptService("Document", ThisComponent) oToolbar = oDoc.Toolbars("standardbar") oToolbarButton = oToolbar.ToolbarButtons("Print") oToolbarButton.Execute() bas = CreateScriptService("Basic") doc = CreateScriptService("Document", bas.ThisComponent) toolbar = doc.Toolbars("standardbar") toolbar_button = toolbar.ToolbarButtons("Print") toolbar_button.Execute()