ScriptForge.UI service/text/sbasic/shared/03/sf_ui.xhpUI service
ScriptForge.UI service
The UI (User Interface) service simplifies the identification and the manipulation of the different windows composing the whole %PRODUCTNAME application:Windows selectionWindows moving and resizingStatusbar settingsDisplay of a floating progress barCreation of new windowsAccess to the underlying "documents"The UI service is the starting point to open, create or access to the content of new or existing documents from a user script.
A window can be designated using various ways:a full path and file namethe last component of the full file name or even only the last component without its suffixthe title of the windowfor new documents, something like "Untitled 1"one of the special windows "BASICIDE" and "WELCOMESCREEN"The window name is case-sensitive.
Document object
The methods CreateDocument, CreateBaseDocument, GetDocument, OpenBaseDocument and OpenDocument, described below, generate document objects. When a window contains a document, an instance of the Document class represents that document. A counterexample the Basic IDE is not a document but is a window in our terminology. Additionally a document has a type: Calc, Impress, Writer, ...The specific properties and methods applicable on documents are implemented in a document class.The implementation of the document objects class is done in the SFDocuments associated library. See its "Document" service.
Service invocation
Before using the UI service the ScriptForge library needs to be loaded or imported:Dim ui As VariantGlobalScope.BasicLibraries.LoadLibrary("ScriptForge")Set ui = CreateScriptService("UI")from scriptforge import CreateScriptServiceui = CreateScriptService("UI")
NameReadOnlyTypeDescriptionActiveWindowYesStringa valid and unique WindowName for the currently active window. When the window cannot be identified, a zero-length string is returned.DocumentsYesString arrayThe list of the currently open documents. Special windows are ignored. This list consists of a zero-based one dimensional array either of filenames (in SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation) or of window titles for unsaved documents.HeightYesIntegerReturns the height of the active window in pixels.WidthYesIntegerReturns the width of the active window in pixels.XYesIntegerReturns the X coordinate of the active window, which is the distance to the left edge of the screen in pixels.YYesIntegerReturns the Y coordinate of the active window, which is the distance to the top edge of the screen in pixels. This value does not consider window decorations added by your operating system, so even when the window is maximized this value may not be zero.
NameValueDescriptionMACROEXECALWAYS2Macros are always executedMACROEXECNEVER1Macros are never executedMACROEXECNORMAL0Macro execution depends on user settings
The examples below show a MsgBox with the names of all currently open documents.Dim openDocs as Object, strDocs as StringSet openDocs = ui.Documents()strDocs = openDocs(0)For i = 1 to UBound(openDocs) strDocs = strDocs & Chr(10) & openDocs(i)Next iMsgBox strDocsui = CreateScriptService("UI")bas = CreateScriptService("Basic")openDocs = ui.Documents()strDocs = "\n".join(openDocs)bas.MsgBox(strDocs)
List of Methods in the UI Service
CreateDocument (*)
OpenDocument (*)
Note, as an exception, that the methods marked (*) are not applicable to Base documents. Activate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;Activate
Make the specified window active. The method returns True if the given window is found and can be activated. There is no change in the actual user interface if no window matches the selection.
svc.Activate(windowname: str): bool
windowname: see the definitions above.ui.Activate("C:\Documents\My file.odt")ui.Activate(r"C:\Documents\My file.odt") CreateBaseDocument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;CreateBaseDocument
Creates and stores a new %PRODUCTNAME Base document embedding an empty database of the given type. The method returns a Document service instance.
svc.CreateBaseDocument(filename: str, embeddeddatabase: str = 'HSQLDB', registrationname: str = '', opt calcfilename: str): svc
filename : Identifies the file to create. It must follow the SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation. If the file already exists, it is overwritten without warningembeddeddatabase : Either "HSQLDB" (default), "FIREBIRD" or "CALC".registrationname : The name used to store the new database in the databases register. When = "" (default), no registration takes place. If the name already exists it is overwritten without warning.calcfilename : Only when embeddeddatabase = "CALC", calcfilename represents the file containing the tables as Calc sheets. The file must exist or an error is raised.Dim myBase As Object, myCalcBase As ObjectSet myBase = ui.CreateBaseDocument("C:\Databases\MyBaseFile.odb", "FIREBIRD")Set myCalcBase = ui.CreateBaseDocument("C:\Databases\MyCalcBaseFile.odb", _ "CALC", , "C:\Databases\MyCalcFile.ods")myBase = ui.CreateBaseDocument(r"C:\Databases\MyBaseFile.odb", "FIREBIRD")myCalcBase = ui.CreateBaseDocument(r"C:\Databases\MyCalcBaseFile.odb", \ "CALC", calcfilename = r"C:\Databases\MyCalcFile.ods") CreateDocument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;CreateDocument
CreateDocument (*)
Create a new %PRODUCTNAME document of a given type or based on a given template. The method returns a document object.
svc.CreateDocument(documenttype: str = '', templatefile: str = '', hidden: bool = False): svc
documenttype : "Calc", "Writer", etc. If absent, the templatefile argument must be present.templatefile : The full FileName of the template to build the new document on. If the file does not exist, the argument is ignored. The FileSystem service provides the TemplatesFolder and UserTemplatesFolder properties to help to build the argument.hidden: if True, open the new document in the background (default = False). To use with caution: activation or closure afterwards can only happen programmatically.In both examples below, the first call to CreateDocument method creates a blank Calc document, whereas the second creates a document from a template file.Dim myDoc1 As Object, myDoc2 As Object, FSO As ObjectSet myDoc1 = ui.CreateDocument("Calc")Set FSO = CreateScriptService("FileSystem")Set myDoc2 = ui.CreateDocument(, FSO.BuildPath(FSO.TemplatesFolder, "personal/"))myDoc1 = ui.CreateDocument("Calc")fs = CreateScriptService("FileSystem")myDoc2 = ui.CreateDocument(templatefile = fs.BuildPath(fs.TemplatesFolder, "personal/")) GetDocument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;GetDocument
Returns an open document object referring to either the active window, a given window or the active document. svc.GetDocument(windowname: str = ''): svcsvc.GetDocument(windowname: uno): svcwindowname: See the definitions above. If this argument is absent, the active window is used. UNO objects of types or are also accepted. Thus passing ThisComponent or ThisDatabaseDocument as argument creates a new SFDocuments.Document, Base or Calc service.
Dim myDoc As ObjectSet myDoc = ui.GetDocument("C:\Documents\My file.odt")Set myBase = ui.GetDocument(ThisDatabaseDocument)from scriptforge import CreateScriptServicebas = CreateScriptService("Basic")myDoc = ui.GetDocument(r"C:\Documents\My file.odt")myDoc = ui.GetDocument(bas.ThisComponent)To access the name of the currently active window, refer to the ActiveWindow property. Maximize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;Maximize
Maximizes the active window or the given window.
svc.Maximize(windowname: str)
windowname: see the definitions above. If this argument is absent, the active window is maximized.ui.Maximize("Untitled 1")ui.Maximize("Untitled 1") Minimize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;Minimize
Minimizes the active window or the given window.
svc.Minimize(windowname: str)
windowname: see the definitions above. If this argument is absent, the active window is minimized.ui.Minimize()ui.Minimize() OpenBaseDocument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;OpenBaseDocument
Open an existing %PRODUCTNAME Base document. The method returns a document object.
svc.OpenBaseDocument(filename: str = '', registrationname: str = '', macroexecution: int = 0): svc
filename: Identifies the file to open. It must follow the SF_FileSystem.FileNaming notation.registrationname: The name to use to find the database in the databases register. It is ignored if FileName <> "".macroexecution: 0 = behaviour is defined by the user configuration, 1 = macros are not executable, 2 = macros are executable.Dim myBase As ObjectSet myBase = ui.OpenBaseDocument("C:\Documents\myDB.odb", MacroExecution := ui.MACROEXECALWAYS)ui.OpenBaseDocument(r"C:\Documents\myDB.odb", macroexecution = ui.MACROEXECALWAYS)To improve code readability you can use predefined constants for the macroexecution argument, as in the examples above. OpenDocument -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;OpenDocument
OpenDocument (*)
Opens an existing %PRODUCTNAME document with the given options. Returns a document object or one of its subclasses. The method returns Nothing (in Basic) / None (in Python) if the opening failed, even when the failure is caused by a user decision.
svc.Opendocument(filename: str, password: str = '', readonly: bool = False, hidden: bool = False, macroexecution: int = 0, filtername: str = '', filteroptions: str = ''): svc
filename: Identifies the file to open. It must follow the FileNaming notation of the FileSystem service.password: To use when the document is protected. If wrong or absent while the document is protected, the user will be prompted to enter a password.readonly: Default = False.hidden: if True, open the new document in the background (default = False). To use with caution: activation or closure afterwards can only happen programmatically.macroexecution: 0 = behaviour is defined by the user configuration, 1 = macros are not executable, 2 = macros are executable.filtername: The name of a filter that should be used for loading the document. If present, the filter must exist.filteroptions: An optional string of options associated with the filter.Dim myDoc As Object, FSO As ObjectSet myDoc = ui.OpenDocument("C:\Documents\myFile.odt", ReadOnly := True)ui.OpenDocument(r"C:\Documents\myFile.odt", readonly = True) Resize -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;Resize
Resizes and/or moves the active window. Absent and negative arguments are ignored. If the window is minimized or maximized, calling Resize without arguments restores it.
svc.Resize(left: int = -1, top: int = -1, width: int = -1, height: int = -1)
left, top: Distances of the top-left corner from top and left edges of the screen, in pixels.width, height: New dimensions of the window, in pixels.In the following examples, the width and height of the window are changed while top and left are left unchanged.ui.Resize(, ,500, 500)ui.Resize(width = 500, height = 500)To resize a window that is not active, first activate it using the Activate method. RunCommand --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;RunCommand
Runs a UNO command on the current window. A few typical commands are: Save, SaveAs, ExportToPDF, Undo, Copy, Paste, etc.Commands can be run with or without arguments. Arguments are not validated before running the command. If the command or its arguments are invalid, then nothing will happen.For a complete list of UNO commands that can be run in %PRODUCTNAME, refer to the Wiki page Development/DispatchCommands.
svc.RunCommand(command: str, [args: any])
command: Case-sensitive string containing the UNO command name. The inclusion of the prefix ".uno:" in the command is optional. The command itself is not checked for correctness. If nothing happens after the command call, then the command is probably wrong.args: For each argument to be passed to the command, specify a pair containing the argument name and value.The following example runs the .uno:About command in the current window.Set ui = CreateScriptService("UI")ui.RunCommand("About")Below is an example that runs the UNO command .uno:BasicIDEAppear and passes the arguments required to open the Basic IDE at a specific line of a module.' Arguments passed to the command:' Document = "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs"' LibName = "ScriptForge"' Name = "SF_Session"' Line = 600ui.RunCommand(".uno:BasicIDEAppear", "Document", "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs", _ "LibName", "ScriptForge", "Name", "SF_Session", "Line", 600)Note that calling the command BasicIDEAppear without arguments will simply open the .ui = CreateScriptService("UI")ui.RunCommand("About")ui.RunCommand(".uno:BasicIDEAppear", "Document", "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs", \ "LibName", "ScriptForge", "Name", "SF_Session", "Line", 600)In Python it is also possible to call RunCommand using keyword arguments:ui.RunCommand(".uno:BasicIDEAppear", Document = "LibreOffice Macros & Dialogs", \ LibName = "ScriptForge", Name = "SF_Session", Line = 600)Each %PRODUCTNAME component has its own set of commands available. One easy way to learn commands is going to Tools - Customize - Keyboard. When you position your mouse over a function in the Function list, a tooltip will appear with the corresponding UNO command. SetStatusbar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;SetStatusbar
SetStatusbar (*)
Display a text and a progressbar in the status bar of the active window. Any subsequent calls in the same macro run refer to the same status bar of the same window, even if the window is not visible anymore. A call without arguments resets the status bar to its normal state.
svc.SetStatusbar(text: str = '', percentage: int = -1)
text: An optional text to be displayed in front of the progress bar.percentage: an optional degree of progress between 0 and 100.Dim i As IntegerFor i = 0 To 100 ui.SetStatusbar("Progress ...", i) Wait 50Next i' Resets the statusbarui.SetStatusbarfrom time import sleepfor i in range(101): ui.SetStatusbar("Test:", i) sleep(0.05)ui.SetStatusbar() ShowProgressBar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;ShowProgressBar
Displays a non-modal dialog box. Specify its title, an explicatory text and a percentage of progress to be represented on a progressbar. The dialog will remain visible until a call to the method without arguments or until the user manually closes the dialog.
svc.ShowProgressBar(title: str = '', text: str = '', percentage: str = -1)
title : The title appearing on top of the dialog box. Default = "ScriptForge".text: An optional text to be displayed above the progress bar.percentage: an optional degree of progress between 0 and 100.Dim i As IntegerFor i = 0 To 100 ui.ShowProgressBar("Window Title", "Progress ..." & i & "/100", i) Wait 50Next i' Closes the Progress Bar windowui.ShowProgressBarfrom time import sleepfor i in range(101): ui.ShowProgressBar("Window Title", "Progress ... " + str(i) + "/100", i) sleep(0.05)# Closes the Progress Bar windowui.ShowProgressBar() WindowExists -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UI service;WindowExists
Returns True if the given window could be identified.
svc.WindowExists(windowname: str): bool
windowname: see the definitions above.If ui.WindowExists("C:\Document\My file.odt") Then ' ...if ui.WindowExists(r"C:\Document\My file.odt"): # ...