DateAdd Function [Runtime]/text/sbasic/shared/03030110.xhpDateAddDateAdd functionDateAdd Function [Runtime]Adds a date interval to a given date a number of times and returns the resulting date.Syntax:DateAdd (Add, Count, Date)Return value:A Variant containing a date.Parameters:Add - A string expression from the following table, specifying the date interval.
Add (string value)ExplanationyyyyYearqQuartermMonthyDay of yearwWeekdaywwWeek of yeardDayhHournMinutesSecond
Count - A numerical expression specifying how often the Add interval will be added (Count is positive) or subtracted (Count is negative).Date - A given date or the name of a Variant variable containing a date. The Add value will be added Count times to this value.Example:Sub example_dateadd MsgBox DateAdd("m", 1, "1/31/2004") &" - "& DateAdd("m", 1, "1/31/2005")End Sub