Erl Function [Runtime] /text/sbasic/shared/03050100.xhp Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Erl function Erl Function [Runtime] Returns the line number where an error occurred during program execution.
Syntax: Erl Return value: Integer Parameters: The Erl function only returns a line number, and not a line label. Example: Sub ExampleError On Error GoTo ErrorHandler ' Set up error handler Dim iVar As Integer Dim sVar As String ' Error caused by non-existent file iVar = Freefile Open "\file9879.txt" For Input As #iVar Line Input #iVar, sVar Close #iVar Exit Sub ErrorHandler: MsgBox "Error " & err & ": " & Error$ + chr(13) + "In Line : " + Erl + chr(13) + Now , 16 ,"An error occurred" End Sub