Do...Loop Statement [Runtime]/text/sbasic/shared/03090201.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.Do...Loop statementWhile; Do loopUntilloopsDo...Loop Statement [Runtime]Repeats the statements between the Do and the Loop statement while the condition is True or until the condition becomes True.SyntaxDo [{While | Until} condition = True]statement block[Exit Do]statement blockLooporDostatement block[Exit Do]statement blockLoop [{While | Until} condition = True]Parameters/ElementsCondition: A comparison, numeric or string expression, that evaluates either True or False.Statement block: Statements that you want to repeat while or until the condition is True.The Do...Loop statement executes a loop as long as, or until, a certain condition is True. The condition for exiting the loop must be entered following either the Do or the Loop statement. The following examples are valid combinations:SyntaxDo While condition = True...statement blockLoopThe statement block between the Do While and the Loop statements is repeated so long as the condition is true.Do Until condition = True...statement blockLoopThe statement block between the Do Until and the Loop statements is repeated if the condition so long as the condition is false.Do...statement blockLoop While condition = TrueThe statement block between the Do and the Loop statements repeats so long as the condition is true.Do...statement blockLoop Until condition = TrueThe statement block between the Do and the Loop statements repeats until the condition is true.Use the Exit Do statement to unconditionally end the loop. You can add this statement anywhere in a Do...Loop statement. You can also define an exit condition using the If...Then structure as follows:Do...statementsIf condition = True Then Exit DostatementsLoop...ExampleSub ExampleDoLoopDim sFile As StringDim sPath As String sPath = "c:\" sFile = Dir$( sPath ,22) If sFile <> "" Then Do MsgBox sFile sFile = Dir$ Loop Until sFile = "" End IfEnd Sub