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  <topic id="textsbasicshared03090412xml" indexer="include" status="PUBLISH">
    <title id="tit" xml-lang="en-US">Exit Statement</title>


<section id="exit">
<bookmark xml-lang="en-US" branch="index" id="bm_id3152924">
  <bookmark_value>Exit statement</bookmark_value>

<h1 id="hd_id3152924"><link href="text/sbasic/shared/03090412.xhp">Exit Statement</link></h1>
<paragraph id="par_id3153394" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Exits a <emph>Do...Loop</emph>, <emph>For...Next</emph>, a function, a property, or a subroutine.</paragraph>

<embed href="text/sbasic/shared/00000003.xhp#functsyntax"/>
<paragraph id="par_id3159157" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US">Exit Do, Exit For, Exit Function, Exit Property, Exit Sub</paragraph>

<embed href="text/sbasic/shared/00000003.xhp#functparameters"/>
<paragraph id="par_id3154760" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false"> <emph>Exit Do</emph> </paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3147559" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Only valid within a <emph>Do...Loop</emph> statement to exit the loop. Program execution continues with the statement that follows the Loop statement. If <emph>Do...Loop</emph> statements are nested, the control is transferred to the loop in the next higher level.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3150398" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false"> <emph>Exit For</emph> </paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3148797" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Only valid within a <emph>For...Next</emph> loop to exit the loop. Program execution continues with the first statement that follows the <emph>Next</emph> statement. In nested statements, the control is transferred to the loop in the next higher level.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3147229" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false"> <emph>Exit Function</emph> </paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3154685" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Exits the <emph>Function</emph> procedure immediately. Program execution continues with the statement that follows the <emph>Function</emph> call.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id31581260355116" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false"> <emph>Exit Property</emph> </paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id1001581260355700" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Exits the <emph>Property</emph> procedure immediately. Program execution continues with the statement that follows the <emph>Property</emph> call.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3155132" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US" localize="false"> <emph>Exit Sub</emph> </paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3149561" role="paragraph" xml-lang="en-US">Exits the subroutine immediately. Program execution continues with the statement that follows the <emph>Sub</emph> call.</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3153143" role="note" xml-lang="en-US">The Exit statement does not define the end of a structure, and must not be confused with the End statement.</paragraph>

<embed href="text/sbasic/shared/00000003.xhp#functexample"/>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341018896" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Sub ExampleExit</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341017664" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Dim sReturn As String</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341016432" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Dim sListArray(10) As String</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341015184" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Dim siStep As Single</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3153158" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US">    For siStep = 0 To 10 ' Fill array with test data</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341012208" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">        sListArray(siStep) = chr(siStep + 65)</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341010944" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">        MsgBox sListArray(siStep)</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341009696" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    Next siStep</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341008464" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    sReturn = LinSearch(sListArray(), "B")</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341007200" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    Print sReturn</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341005968" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">End Sub</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341004736" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US"> </paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341003488" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Function LinSearch( sList(), sItem As String ) As Integer</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1341002208" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">Dim iCount As Integer</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3153764" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US">' LinSearch searches a TextArray:sList() for a TextEntry:</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3148995" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US">' Returns the index of the entry or 0 (Null)</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340997424" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    For iCount=1 To Ubound( sList() )</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340996176" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">        If sList( iCount ) = sItem Then</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_id3149567" role="bascode" xml-lang="en-US">            Exit For ' sItem found</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340993200" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">        End If</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340991968" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    Next iCount</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340990736" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    If iCount = Ubound( sList() ) Then iCount = 0</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340989472" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">    LinSearch = iCount</paragraph>
<paragraph id="par_idm1340988240" role="bascode" localize="false" xml-lang="en-US">End Function</paragraph>