CLng Function [Runtime]/text/sbasic/shared/03100600.xhpSun Microsystems, Inc.CLng functionCLng Function [Runtime]Converts any string or numeric expression to a long integer.Syntax:CLng (Expression)Return value:LongParameters:Expression: Any numerical expression that you want to convert. If the Expression lies outside the valid long integer range between -2.147.483.648 and 2.147.483.647, $[officename] Basic returns an overflow error. To convert a string expression, the number must be entered as normal text ("123.5") using the default number format of your operating system.This function always rounds the fractional part of a number to the nearest integer.Example:Sub ExampleCountryConvert MsgBox CDbl(1234.5678) MsgBox CInt(1234.5678) MsgBox CLng(1234.5678)End Sub