Property Statement /text/sbasic/shared/Property.xhp Property statement

Property Statement

A property, also called field or attribute, characterizes a given object or piece of information. Properties can be used to control access to data. It is common use to include instructions at setting or reading time of properties. Code can vary from simple assignment to complex context dependant routines. Using Get, Let or Set accessers enforces properties' consistency when necessary. This statement requires Option Compatible to be placed before the executable program code in a module.


[Global | Private | Public] Property [Get | Let | Set] propName[(value As VarType)] [As VarType] End Property


Option Compatible Sub Main ProductName = "Office" Print ProductName ' displays "LibreOffice" End Sub Private _office As String Property Get ProductName As String ProductName = _office End Property Property Let ProductName(value As String) _office = "Libre"& value End Property In the absence of Property Let or Property Set, Property Get helps define protected information, which can not be accidently altered by a foreign module: Option Compatible Public Property Get PathDelimiter As String ' Read-only variable Static this As String If this = "" Then : Select Case GetGuiType() Case 1 : this = ";" ' Windows Case 4 : this = ":" ' Linux or MacOS X Case Else : Error 423 ' Property or method not defined: PathDelimiter End Select : End If PathDelimiter = this End Property ' read-only PathDelimiter Sub Main PathDelimiter = "a sentence" ' does nothing End Sub Use Let or Set when handling UNO services or class objects: Option Compatible Sub Main 'Set anObject = CreateUnoService( "" ) anObject = CreateUnoService( "" ) Print anObject.SupportedServiceNames(0) ' displays "" End Sub Property Get anObject As Object Set anObject = _obj End Property Private _obj As Object 'Property Set anObject(value As Object) 'Set _obj = value.CurrentFrame 'End Property Property Let anObject(value As Object) Set _obj = value.CurrentFrame End Property
End, Exit statements Using Procedures and Functions