Fill Series
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Fill Series
Automatically generate series with the options in this dialog. Determine direction, increment, time unit and series type.
Before filling a series, first select the cell range.
To automatically continue a series using the assumed completion rules, choose the AutoFill option after opening the Fill Series dialog.
Determines the direction of series creation.
Creates a downward series in the selected cell range for the column using the defined increment to the end value.
Creates a series running from left to right within the selected cell range using the defined increment to the end value.
Creates an upward series in the cell range of the column using the defined increment to the end value.
Creates a series running from right to left in the selected cell range using the defined increment to the end value.
Series Type
Defines the series type. Choose between Linear, Growth, Date and AutoFill.
Creates a linear number series using the defined increment and end value.
Creates a growth series using the defined increment and end value.
Creates a date series using the defined increment and end date.
Forms a series directly in the sheet. The AutoFill function takes account of customized lists. For example, by entering January in the first cell, the series is completed using the list defined under %PRODUCTNAME - PreferencesTools - Options - %PRODUCTNAME Calc - Sort Lists.
AutoFill tries to complete a value series by using a defined pattern. The series 1,3,5 is automatically completed with 7,9,11,13, and so on. Date and time series are completed accordingly; for example, after 01.01.99 and 15.01.99, an interval of 14 days is used.
Unit of Time
In this area you can specify the desired unit of time. This area is only active if the Date option has been chosen in the Series type area.
Use the Date series type and this option to create a series using seven days.
Use the Date series type and this option to create a series of five day sets.
Use the Date series type and this option to form a series from the names or abbreviations of the months.
Use the Date series type and this option to create a series of years.
Start Value
Determines the start value for the series. Use numbers, dates or times.
End Value
Determines the end value for the series. Use numbers, dates or times.
The term "increment" denotes the amount by which a given value increases. Determines the value by which the series of the selected type increases by each step. Entries can only be made if the linear, growth or date series types have been selected.