Add-in Functions, List of Analysis Functions Part One /text/scalc/01/04060115.xhp add-ins; analysis functions analysis functions Add-in Functions, List of Analysis Functions Part One
Bessel functions BESSELI Calculates the modified Bessel function of the first kind In(x). Syntax BESSELI(X; N) X is the value on which the function will be calculated. N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function In(x) Examples =BESSELI(3.45, 4), returns 0.651416873060081 =BESSELI(3.45, 4.333), returns 0.651416873060081, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored. =BESSELI(-1, 3), returns -0.022168424924332
BESSELJ Calculates the Bessel function of the first kind Jn(x) (cylinder function). Syntax BESSELJ(X; N) X is the value on which the function will be calculated. N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function Jn(x) Examples =BESSELJ(3.45, 4), returns 0.196772639864984 =BESSELJ(3.45, 4.333), returns 0.144803466373734, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored. =BESSELJ(-1, 3), returns -0.019563353982668
BESSELK Calculates the modified Bessel function of the second kind Kn(x). Syntax BESSELK(X; N) X is the strictly positive value (X > 0) on which the function will be calculated. N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function Kn(x) Examples =BESSELK(3.45, 4), returns 0.144803466373734 =BESSELK(3.45, 4.333), returns 0.144803466373734, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored. =BESSELK(0, 3), returns Err:502 – invalid argument (X=0)
BESSELY Calculates the Bessel function of the second kind Yn(x). Syntax BESSELY(X; N) X is the strictly positive value (X > 0) on which the function will be calculated. N is a positive integer (N >= 0) representing the order of the Bessel function Yn(x) Examples =BESSELY(3.45, 4), returns -0.679848116844476 =BESSELY(3.45, 4.333), returns -0.679848116844476, same as above because the fractional part of N is ignored. =BESSELY(0, 3), returns Err:502 – invalid argument (X=0)
BIN2DEC function converting;binary numbers, into decimal numbers mw added one entry BIN2DEC The result is the decimal number for the binary number entered. Syntax BIN2DEC(Number) Number is a binary number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places (bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. Example =BIN2DEC(1100100) returns 100.
BIN2HEX function converting;binary numbers, into hexadecimal numbers mw added one entry BIN2HEX The result is the hexadecimal number for the binary number entered. Syntax BIN2HEX(Number; Places) Number is a binary number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places (bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. Places means the number of places to be output. Example =BIN2HEX(1100100;6) returns 000064.
BIN2OCT function converting;binary numbers, into octal numbers mw added one entry BIN2OCT The result is the octal number for the binary number entered. Syntax BIN2OCT(Number; Places) Number is a binary number. The number can have a maximum of 10 places (bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. Places means the number of places to be output. Example =BIN2OCT(1100100;4) returns 0144.
DELTA function recognizing;equal numbers mw added one entry DELTA The result is TRUE (1) if both numbers, which are delivered as an argument, are equal, otherwise it is FALSE (0). Syntax DELTA(Number1; Number2) Example =DELTA(1;2) returns 0.
DEC2BIN function converting;decimal numbers, into binary numbers mw added one entry DEC2BIN The result is the binary number for the decimal number entered between -512 and 511. Syntax DEC2BIN(Number; Places) Number is a decimal number. If Number is negative, the function returns a binary number with 10 characters. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the other 9 bits return the value. Places means the number of places to be output. Example =DEC2BIN(100;8) returns 01100100.
DEC2HEX function converting;decimal numbers, into hexadecimal numbers mw added one entr DEC2HEX The result is the hexadecimal number for the decimal number entered. Syntax DEC2HEX(Number; Places) Number is a decimal number. If Number is negative, the function returns a hexadecimal number with 10 characters (40 bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit, the other 39 bits return the value. Places means the number of places to be output. Example =DEC2HEX(100;4) returns 0064.
DEC2OCT function converting;decimal numbers, into octal numbers mw added one entr DEC2OCT The result is the octal number for the decimal number entered. Syntax DEC2OCT(Number; Places) Number is a decimal number. If Number is negative, the function returns an octal number with 10 characters (30 bits). The most significant bit is the sign bit, the other 29 bits return the value. Places means the number of places to be output. Example =DEC2OCT(100;4) returns 0144.
ERF function Gaussian error integral mw added one entr ERF Returns values of the Gaussian error integral. Syntax ERF(LowerLimit; UpperLimit) LowerLimit is the lower limit of the integral. UpperLimit is optional. It is the upper limit of the integral. If this value is missing, the calculation takes places between 0 and the lower limit. Example =ERF(0;1) returns 0.842701.
ERF.PRECISE function Gaussian error integral ERF.PRECISE Returns values of the Gaussian error integral between 0 and the given limit. Syntax ERF.PRECISE(LowerLimit) LowerLimit is the limit of the integral. The calculation takes places between 0 and this limit. Example =ERF.PRECISE(1) returns 0.842701.
ERFC function ERFC Returns complementary values of the Gaussian error integral between x and infinity. Syntax ERFC(LowerLimit) LowerLimit is the lower limit of the integral Example =ERFC(1) returns 0.157299.
ERFC.PRECISE function ERFC.PRECISE Returns complementary values of the Gaussian error integral between x and infinity. Syntax ERFC.PRECISE(LowerLimit) LowerLimit is the lower limit of the integral Example =ERFC.PRECISE(1) returns 0.157299.
GESTEP function numbers;greater than or equal to mw added one entry GESTEP The result is 1 if Number is greater than or equal to Step. Syntax GESTEP(Number; Step) Example =GESTEP(5;1) returns 1.
HEX2BIN function converting;hexadecimal numbers, into binary numbers mw added one entry HEX2BIN The result is the binary number for the hexadecimal number entered. Syntax HEX2BIN(Number; Places) Number is a hexadecimal number or a string that represents a hexadecimal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. Places is the number of places to be output. Example =HEX2BIN("6a";8) returns 01101010.
HEX2DEC function converting;hexadecimal numbers, into decimal numbers mw added one entry HEX2DEC The result is the decimal number for the hexadecimal number entered. Syntax HEX2DEC(Number) Number is a hexadecimal number or a string that represents a hexadecimal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. Example =HEX2DEC("6a") returns 106.
HEX2OCT function converting;hexadecimal numbers, into octal numbers mw added one entry HEX2OCT The result is the octal number for the hexadecimal number entered. Syntax HEX2OCT(Number; Places) Number is a hexadecimal number or a string that represents a hexadecimal number. It can have a maximum of 10 places. The most significant bit is the sign bit, the following bits return the value. Negative numbers are entered as two's complement. Places is the number of places to be output. Example =HEX2OCT("6a";4) returns 0152.